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Article# 399: IDF May Be Preparing For Major Gaza Offensive.

Article# 398: Arabs Say Israel Seeks To Make Abbas Second Arafat.

Article# 397: Abbas Sworn In As Israel Cuts Ties.

Article# 396: Abbas Calls For Peace Talks With Israel.

Article# 395: Prophetic Coincidences Of 2005.

Article# 394: Why I Believe Tsunami Could Be The Beginning Of A String Of Woes.

Article# 393: Death Toll At 55,000.

Article# 392: First Israeli Settlement Agrees to Move.

Article# 391: Blair In Push For Mideast Peace.

Article# 390: ENPI Seven Year Plan.

Article# 389: Peace Is Taking On Worldwide Urgency II.

Article# 388: Peace Is Taking On Worldwide Urgency.

Article# 387: Neighborhood Agreement Goals & Overview.

Article# 386: Israel Signs E.U. Neighborhood Agreement.

Article# 385: Egypt Brokers Middle East Peace Plan.

Article# 384: Arafat's Death Creates a Window: Players Must Act Quickly.

Article# 383: Another Domino Falls: Hamas Wants Truce With Israel.

Article# 382: Peace Is In The Air.

Article# 381: Peace In The Middle East At Highest Priority In Years.

Article# 380: UK's Blair Plans ID Cards, Legislation To Fight Terrorism.

Article# 379: Global Leaders Make Middle East Peace Top Priority.

Article# 378: Bush Sets Palestinian State As Priority For 2nd Term.

Article# 377: Bin Laden Receives Permission From Religious Leaders To Use Nuclear Weapons Against America!

Article# 376: Arafat Death Turns World To Real Possibility Of Peace.

Article# 375: World Leaders Turn To Peace In Middle East As Arafat Death Nears.

Article# 374: EU To Bush: You Need Us To Solve World Problems.

Article# 373: Arafat Dead!

Article# 372: Election Night.

Article# 371: Subdued Ceremony For Europe's First Constitution.

Article# 370: Death Toll And Surviving The Tribulation Period

Article# 369: Rise Of The Antichrist And The Wars That Will Follow.

Article# 368: Clinton Eyes U.N. Post By 2006.

Article# 367: The Future Mark Of The Beast.

Article# 366: FDA OKs Implantable Chip For Humans.

Article# 365: Iran Claims Capability Of 2,000 Km-Range Missile.

Article# 364: Panic Of 'O4: Oil Hits Another High.

Article# 363: Hamas Gunmen Vow More Attacks on Israel.

Article# 362: Japan Goes On Alert At Signs North Korea Plans Missile Test...

Article# 361: UN: Disasters On The Rise.

Article# 360: Sharon Doesn't Plan To Follow 'Road Map'.

Article# 359: What Could Happen After The Rapture Part II.

Article# 358: Both N. Korea & Iran On The Verge Of Nuclear Weapons.

Article# 357: What Will Happen Directly After The Rapture.

Article# 356: Palestinians Unlikely To Concede Temple Mount Ever.

Article# 355: Russia, Israel Agree On Anti-Terror Union.

Article# 354: Sharon On Retreat: 'Nothing Can Stop Me'.

Article# 353: Iran Said Nearing Enrichment of Uranium.

Article# 352: Iran Could Develop Bomb In 2005.

Article# 351: satan: Past, Present & Future.

Article# 350: The Rapture & The Great Awakening.

Article# 350: Iran Tests Missile Capable of Hitting Israel...

Article# 349: The Antichrist And What Must Come.

Article# 348: Israeli/U.S. Anti-Missile Defense System Successfully Tested Off Calif.

Article# 347: Israel Reroutes Barrier On Court Order.

Article# 346: Mideast Peace Process Impossible Without EU: Erakat.

Article# 345: EU-Israeli Relations Sour After UN Vote.

Article# 344: Al-Qaida May Already Have Nuclear Weapons Inside U.S.

Article# 343: Israel Commits To E.U. Galileo Satellite.

Article# 342: World Court: Israel Should Cease Barrier: E.U. Backs Ruling.

Article# 341: Iraq Confirms U.S. Removed Nuclear Material.

Article# 340: The Myth of the Separation of Church and State: What The Bible Says About Voting.

Article# 339: Why We Must Defeat Terrorism:  Are You Willing To Pay The Price?

Article# 338: Sharon Galloping Along Towards Withdrawal.

Article# 337: Clinton Administration Twice Asserted Links Between Saddam, Al Qaeda...

Article# 336: UN WATCHDOG: Terrorist Nuclear Threat 'Real And Imminent'...

Article# 335: 9/11 Panel: New Evidence On Iraq-Al-Qaida Connection.

Article# 334: E.U. Constitution Approved; Putin Warned Bush Of Iraq's Post 9/11 Planned Terror Attacks On U.S.

Article# 333: Muslim Reader: He's Right Quran Does State That Holy Land Belongs To Jews.

Article# 332: Moslem Prof.: Quran States That Holy Land Is Jewish.

Article# 331: Report: Risk Of 'Dirty Bomb' Growing...

Article# 330: Egypt Tells Arafat: Reform Or Be Removed - Report.

Article# 329: Liberals:  The King Has Clothes Because We Say He Does!

Article# 328: Indirect Signs Of The Times.

Article# 327: Mexico Air Force Video Creates UFO Stir.

Article# 326: Israeli-U.S. Laser Downs Long-Range Missile In Test.

Article# 325: Arab-Israeli Population Will Surpass Jewish Population In Israel In Our Lifetime.

Article# 324: The E.U. Expands And What Could Come From This!

Article# 323: Kadhafi Urges World To Follow His Lead, Give Up Weapons Of Mass Destruction.

Article# 322: Lab Tests Could Link Saddam's Missing WMDs To Jordan Plot.

Article# 321: Blair Gambling Career By Holding E.U. Constitution Referendum: Press.

Article# 320: Disengagement Plan Brings Arab Condemnation.

Article# 319: Head Pakistani Scientist Says He Visited N. Korean Underground Nuclear Plant; Saw Weapons.

Article# 318: Sharon Pins High Hopes On Bush Summit.

Article# 317: 'Time To Smash Hamas Is Now'.

Article# 316: Sixty Percent Of Russian Administration Ex-KBG!

Article# 315: E.U. Leaders Agree To Revive Constitution Talks!

Article# 314: Arafat May Be Next!

Article# 313: Hamas Founder Killed In Israeli Airstrike.

Article# 312: Al-Qaida's No. 2 Claims to Have Suitcase Nukes.

Article# 311: It's Official: U.S. Government Worried About Terrorist Nuclear Strike.

Article# 310: World Terrorism And The Endtimes.

Article# 309: Israel Close To Disclosing Plans.

Article# 308: Blair Calls For Greater European Role In Peace Process.

Article# 307: Blair The Antichrist Revisited.

Article# 306: Israel Breaks Iranian Code: They never Intend To Give Up Nuclear Weapons.

Article# 305: Passion Of Christ And Rise Of Old Soviet Union.

Article# 304: Putin Dismisses Russian Government.

Article# 303: Sharon Tells U.S. Israel Hasn't Abandoned 'Road Map'.

Article# 302: Bush Pushing For Palestinian State Sooner Than Later.

Article# 301: Blair Denies Big Three Want To Run Europe.

Article# 300: Ukraine Scientists Deny Nuke Sale To Al-Qaida.

Article# 299: Report:  Al-Qaida Has Suitcase Nuclear Bombs.

Article# 298: Pakistani Father Of Nuclear Bomb Says He Sold Secrets But That's Only The Tip Of The Iceberg.

Article# 297: Wars Of The Tribulation Period.

Article# 296: Anti-Semitism On The Rise Worldwide.

Article# 295: France, Germany & Britain Seek To Lead E.U.

Article# 294: The Real Motive Behind The Middle East Peace Effort.

Article# 293: PA: We Could Stop The Bombings, If We Wanted To.

Article# 292: Reasons Why The Coming Of The Lord Is Near!

Article# 291: Is Sharon Selling Out Israel?

Article# 290: 2004 Could It Be The Moment Of Truth For Israel.

Article# 289: Strange Things In The Air For 2004.

Article# 288: Seismologists Alarmed By Rash Of Quakes Rattling Around Globe.

Article# 287: Syria Hints Of A Nuclear Free Middle East: Could This Be A Trick?

Article# 286: Israel Warns Of Major 'Non-Conventional' Attack.

Article# 285: Things That Must Come To Past Part II.

Article# 284: Could We Be Nearing The End Of Six Thousand Biblical Years?

Article# 283: Could The E.U. Be Reduced To Ten Nations?

Article# 282: PM Sharon: "Outposts Will Be Dismantled, Period!" 

Article# 281: Saddam And Bible Prophecy.

Article# 280: Temple Remnants Being Destroyed.

Article# 279: Five Things That Must Come To Pass.

Article# 278: The Geneva Accord Part II.

Article# 277: Geneva Accord Could It Be Lasting Peace?

Article# 276: Why Russia May Lead An Attack Against Israel.

Article# 275: Israel Admits Land Concessions A Must.

Article# 274: France & Germany Rumored To Be Forming Union: Could This Be A Fulfillment Of Scripture?

Article# 273: Al-Qaida: 100,000 Deaths Expected in An Imminent Attack Against the U.S.

Article# 272: The Proof That Saddam Worked With Bin Laden.

Article# 271: Powell Praises Informal Mideast Talks.

Article# 270: Italy Says Poll Does Not Reflect EU Stance On Israel.

Article# 269: China Looks To E.U. As 'Biggest Partner'.

Article# 268: Sharon: Israel On Verge Of Diplomatic Breakthrough.

Article# 267: Poll Controversy Has Israel And US Labelled Biggest Threats To World Peace.

Article# 266: The EU Needs "Good Laws And Good Armies".

Article# 265: Seven Countries Back Christianity In EU Constitution.

Article# 264: Paper: Pakistan, Saudi Arabia In Secret Nuke Pact.

Article# 263: Israeli Strikes in Gaza Kill 11.

Article# 262: Peace With Egypt Getting Colder.

Article# 261: Where I Believe The Future Of The U.S., E.U. Relationship Will Lead.

Article# 260: Israel Said To Be Planning Sneak Attack On Iranian Nuke Sites.

Article# 259: Probabilities In The P.A.: Abu Ala Resigned, Arafat Is Ill.

Article# 258: Syria Says Ready to Fight if Israel Attacks Again.

Article# 257: The Future E.U., U.S.A. Treaty.

Article# 256: Israel Bombs Alleged Terror Base in Syria.

Article# 255: Suicide Bombing At Haifa Restaurant.

Article# 254: What Must Take Place Before The Tribulation Period Can Begin.

Article# 253: Israel Mulls Mission Against Iran's Nukes.

Article# 252: US, EU To Begin First "Open Skies" Talks.

Article# 251: Jewish Communities Split Over Berlusconi.

Past Current Event Articles Archive September 10, 2002 to September 14, 2003

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