Calvary Prophecy Page

Up To The Minute Prophecy News

Archived Prophetic Events July 7, 2006 - September 11, 2007

Article# 700:PA Leaks 8-Point Agreement Made Between Olmert And Abbas; US Officials Begin Crafting Iran Bombing Plan.

Article# 699:Israeli Jets Said To Have Penetrated Syrian Airspace Wednesday Night Escaped By Jamming Russian made Pantsyr-S1 Air Defense Missiles

Article# 698:Israeli Warplanes Cross Syrian Border, Drop Ammunition And Are Repelled By Syrian Fire; Syria Reserves Right To Respond And Iran Offers Assistance.

Article# 697:Either Iran Lives Up To Its International Obligations And Relinquishes Its Nuclear Ambitions--Or It Will Be Bombed Into Compliance.

Article# 696:Israeli & Palestinian Negotiators Working Hard To Bring Something Significant To The Table At November ME Peace Summit.

Article# 695:EU Officials Reportedly Conducting Secret Meetings With Hamas; satan's First Known Attempt To Bring About His antichrist.

Article# 694:Israeli President Peres Predicted 30 Years Ago Outcome If Palestinian State Created.

Article# 693:Ahmadinejad: Iran Ready To Share It's Nuclear Experiences.

Article# 692:Palestinian Negotiators Insist That Israel Must Give Up Temple Mount Control As Part Of Peace Plan Or No Deal.

Article# 691:Olmert, Abbas Holding Final Status Peace Talks; Goal Permanent Agreement By November ME Peace Summit In US.

Article# 690:Syrian Missile Buildup Continues, Israel Calls Situation 'Tense'; Source: US Accessing Pakistan Nukes If Musharraf Falls.

Article# 689:US Pressure On Israel For A Palestinian State Foreseen; Yesha Council: Beware Of Steps Towards Palestinian State.

Article# 688:Israel's Barak Dismisses Peace Push "Fantasies".

Article# 687:Analysts Warn That US Could Strike Deal With Iran And Exclude Israel.

Article# 686:Olmert's Offer; Characteristics Of The Antichrist.

Article# 685:Blair In Israel As Peace Envoy; Seen As Mission Impossible.

Article# 684:Blair Debuts As Middle East Envoy.

Article# 683:President Bush Outlines Plan For Middle East Peace And It Doesn't Include Hamas.

Article# 682:Abbas And Olmert To Meet; Rumor: Secret Plan Maybe Underway For Israeli Troops To Gradually Pull Out Of West Bank. 

Article# 681:Ten EU FMs Tell Blair Road Map Is Dead, Call For Int'l Conference.

Article# 680:J'lem, Arab League Split Over Delegation: Some Say They Will Be No Shows.

Article# 679:Shock: Arab League Plans Historic Trip (Thursday) To Israel To Discuss Sweeping Moves Toward Peace With Israel.

Article# 678:Possibility Of Middle East Peace Within A Month; Could Peacemakers Be Moving In A Different Direction?

Article# 677:Blair: I Won't Adhere To US-Israeli Boycott Of Hamas; Israel Foils Hamas Plan To Take Over Temple Mount.

Article# 676:Arab's Doubt Blair Can Succeed In Middle East.

Article# 675:It's Official: Blair To Head Up Peace Effort In Middle East; Will Move To Jerusalem; Why Is Blair Different Than All Others Who Have Failed?

Article# 674:Blair Set To Head Up Peace Effort In Middle East; Israel's FM Livni: Blair Would Be Perfect ME Envoy.

Article# 673:What I Believe About These Topics/Events In Bible Prophecy.

Article# 672:Tony Blair Antichrist?

Article# 671:Bush Eyes Blair For Mideast Peace Role; Could He Be The Coming Antichrist Revisited?

Article# 670:Abbas To Bush: Resume Peace Talks Now; Where This Summer's Middle East War Could Lead.

Article# 669:Secret New Plan For EU Superstate; Push For Blair As New EU President; Israel Plans Attack On Gaza In Coming Weeks.

Article# 669:Hamas Captures Second Fatah Command Post; EU Said They Would Consider Military Presence If Asked .

Article# 668:Civil War In Gaza; Syria Ready For Talks With Israel But...

Article# 667:Syrian MP Confirms Preparation For War; US Decides Against Iran Strike.

Article# 665:IDF: No Gaza Ground Operation Due To Fear Of War With Syria; Four Charged In JFK Airport Terror Plot.

Article# 664:Russia Unveils New Missile; Israel Readies Public For All-Out-War.

Article# 663:Al-Qaeda Trying To Go Nuclear.

Article# 662:Israel Strikes Out Against Palestinian Terrorist Sites.

Article# 661:If Olmert Signs The Saudi Peace Plan Will That Mark The Beginning Of The Seven-Year Tribulation Period?

Article# 660:Olmert Invites Arab Leaders To Peace Talks Without Preconditions.

Article# 659:Seven Events That Will Quickly Follow The Rapture Of The Church.

Article# 658:The Day Of The Lord.

Article# 657:US Sets 8-Month Timetable For Israeli-Palestinian Peace Moves.

Article# 656:US And EU Agree On Single Market.

Article# 655:Olmert Could Be Out By Summers End; War Is In The Air.

Article# 654:A Large, High-Ranking Syrian Delegation Of 40 Generals On Secret Mission To Tehran; Reasons Why Jesus Could Not Come In Any Other Generation.

Article# 653:Olmert Welcomes Saudi Peace Plan With Open Arms.

Article# 652:Surviving The Tribulation Period: Your Odds Are Slim.

Article# 651:Russian Think Tank: U.S. Attack On Iran Will Take Place Before End Of Month.

Article# 650:No U.S. Attack Seen In Near Future; Iran Says They're Ready With Russian Help.

Article# 649:Top Russian General Says US Attack Against Iran Would Be Huge Mistake; Iran Mending Relationships With Key Arab Nations.

Article# 648:U.S. Strikes On Iranian Targets Could Be As Soon As This Week; Arab Leaders: No Peace Until Palestinian State Established.

Article# 647:Operation Bite: French and Russian News Reports US Will Attack Iran In The Next 10 Days.

Article# 646:World Leaders Calling For Israel To Make Peace Now And Work Out Details Later.

Article# 645:Islamic Messiah (Mahdi) Could Return To Earth During Spring Equinox.

Article# 644:Olmert's Future In Doubt; Arab Nations Charge Israel Doesn't Want Peace.

Article# 643:What You Can Expect At The Beginning Of The Tribulation Period Part II.

Article# 642:What You Can Expect At The Beginning Of The Tribulation Period.

Article# 641:What You Can Expect When The Trumpet Blows And What Will Follow.

Article# 640:Zechariah 14:16-18 Explained.

Article# 639:Prophecy Alert: Russia Warns US Against Striking Iran.

Article# 638:Prophecy Alert: London Paper Reports Israel Seeking US Consent To Fly Over Iraq For Iran Strike.

Article# 637:Report: UN, Russia And Arab Nations Mounting Worldwide Media Condemnation Against So-Called Israeli Terrorism.

Article# 636:Report: Syrian Troops Amassing Along Israeli Border.

Article# 635:Questions Answered About The Soon Coming Rapture.

Article# 634:Do We Hold The Future Of Terrorism In Our Hands?

Article# 633:Crisis Looms In PA As Abbas Cancels Mecca Accord Speech; Revelation 6:1-8: Rise Of The Antichrist.

Article# 632:Report: US Ready For Iran Strike And It May Come By Spring.

Article# 631:Iran Will Give Crushing Response To US, If Attacked.

Article# 630:Israel Scheduled To Request EU Status Equal To That Of Switzerland And Norway.

Article# 629:Blair: Progress In ME Peace Process; Hamas & Fatah Work Out Deal.

Article# 628:Quartet Meets; What We Should Expect In The Near Future!

Article# 627:Bush Warns Iran Against Action In Iraq; The Antichrist & What Must Come!

Article# 626:Iran Prepares People For Messiah Miracles.

Article# 625:EU Taking Epic Steps In Secret Behind The Scenes Talks With Israel And Palestinians; What I See For The Near Future In Bible Prophecy; Prophecy Alert: WW3 Could Have Happened 11 Days Ago.

Article# 624:Congress Warns White House Not To Attack Iran Without Approval; For First Time In History All Arabs Want To Talk To Israel.

Article# 623:Former US Intelligence Official Says Possible Military Action Against Iran May Not Be Confined To Surgical Strike But May Amount To War.

Article# 622:Israeli,  Syrian Representatives Reach Secret Understandings; Maybe Blueprint For Future.

Article# 621:Israel Expects Turbulent 2007 In Mideast; Doomsday Clock To Move Closer to Armageddon.

Article# 620:Alan Dershowitz: World Obsessed With Israel; Why 2007 Could Be A Special Year.

Article# 619:Syria: ME Peace Not Currently Possible.

Article# 618:IDF: Prospects For Regional Conflict Higher In 2007.

Article# 617:Israel Soon To Launch New Anti-Missile System; Iran Threatens To Stop 40% Of World Oil Flow.

Article# 616:Arabs, U.S. See Decline In Israeli Deterrence.

Article# 615:Israel: We Can Pull Off Strike On Iran Nuke Facilities Alone.

Article# 614:Rumor: Israel To Strike Iran Nuke Sites Soon If U.S. Doesn't; Israel-Palestinian Conflict Key To Mideast Problems

Article# 613:Olmert Says He Is Ready To Respond To "Murmur Of Peace" From Arab Enemies.

Article# 612:Recent Developments I Believe That Point Toward The Lord's Soon Coming!

Article# 611:Why Russia May Attack Israel; Why The Golan Heights May Bring The Peace Plan We Seek!

Article# 610:Syria Wants Peace But Are They Willing To Pay The Price At Least In Public.

Article# 609:Ahamadinejad: Iran Now Nuclear Power; Al Qaeda Leader Calls Abbas "America's Man".

Article# 608:Netanayhu: Beware Of Developing 'Islamic Reich'.

Article# 607:Blair: Coming Days Crucial For ME Peace; Millennium Period Series Part IV.

Article# 606:What I Believe Could Happen In Prophecy In 2007; Ahmadinejad: Israel's Days Are Numbered.

Article# 605:Saudi King: Arab World Ready To Explode; Olmert Not Ruling Out Attack On Iran.

Article# 604:ISG Report: Reference To Palestinians' Right Of Return Included; Alarms Israeli Officials.

Article# 603:U.S. Official: If Iran Obtains Nuclear Weapons No One Can Promise It Would Not Use Them Against Israel. 

Article# 602:Hizbullah & Hamas Beating The War Drums; Millennium Series Part III.

Article# 601:Ahmadinejad Tells Haniyeh Israel's Demise Is Near.

Article# 600:Pope Prays With Top Muslim Cleric.

Article# 599:EU Holding Talks With Israel, Arab Neighbors; Olmert Ready To Give Up Large Amounts Of Land In Exchange For Peace.

Article# 598:Syria On The Move In Lebanon And Iraq; Millennium Series Part II.

Article# 597:Ahmadinejad: Final Steps About To Be Taken In Atomic Plan.

Article# 596:Ahmadinejad: Iran Nearing Completion Of Nuclear Program; Netanyahu: It's 1938 And Iran Is Germany.

Article# 595: Ahmadinejad: Israel's Destruction Near; World Scrambles To Figure Out Israel Problem.

Article# 594:Peace And War Is In The Air.

Article# 593:Abbas Urges Israel To Make Peace; Commentary On The Millennium.

Article# 592:Democrats Rule Congress; Why I Believe It Is A Part Of Prophecy.

Article# 591:Six Arab Nations Rushing To Go Nuclear...Is It Just A Matter Of Time Before War III Takes Place.

Article# 590:Iran Realizes Half Of Dream: Test-Fires Missile Capable Of Delivering Nuke To Israel.

Article# 589:Is The E.U. Ready To Take On Its Prophesied End Time Role?

Article# 588:Why The 2007-2013 ENPI Probably Won't Be The Seven Year Peace Agreement.

Article# 587:PRC: Prepare For An Attack Inside Israel.

Article# 586:Expert: Israel Prepare For War.

Article# 585:Ahmadinejad Isn't Kidding;  Dead Sea Oil Explorations Will Turn Up Major Find.

Article# 584:2nd Warning Issued For U.S. Muslims To Get Out Of America By End Of Ramadan;  Dead Sea Oil Discoveries Could Turn Up Major Find!

Article# 583:What Is The Significance Of The Proposed Synagogue To Be Built On The Temple Mount?

Article# 582:Report: Syria & Iran Planning Pre-Emptive Strike On Israel; North Korea: Nuke Test A Success.

Article# 581:Mubarak: M.E. War Could Explode At Any Time; Assad To Arab States...Let's Talk!

Article# 580:Report: Oil Discovered In Dead Sea Area!

Article# 579:North Korea To Test Bomb; What Muslim's Believe About The End Times!

Article# 578:Israeli Intel: War With Syria and Hizbollah Could Be Near!

Article# 577:Can The U.N. Bring Peace?

Article# 576:E.U. Puts Support Behind New Palestinian Unity Government; Could Peace Be Next?

Article# 575:Where Is The Coming Of The Lord?

Article# 574:Hizbollah Re-Arming Itself On Heels Of Israel Lifting Air Blockade.

Article# 573:It's Official: Iran Defies U.N. Resolution.

Article# 572:Iran Defies U.N. Resolution And Opens Nuclear Reactor.

Article# 571:Israel Foreign Minister: Lebanon Situation Explosive.

Article# 570:After Poor Military Showing, Israeli Prime Minister May Be On His Way Out!

Article# 569:Israel To Cease Pullout If Hizbollah Not Disarmed.

Article# 568:Could Hizbollah War Give Courage To The Arab World For Final Showdown With Israel?

Article# 567:Hizbullah Leader Commits To Abide By Cease-Fire; Israel To Halt War On Monday. 

Article# 566:U.S., France Agree On Peace Proposal, U.N. May Vote Friday!

Article# 565:France Flip-Flops On U.N. Resolution To End Fighting; Still No Solution In Sight!

Article# 564:No Solution In Sight; What Direction This War Could Take Next!

Article# 563:Olmert Will Accept Real Peacekeeping Army.

Article# 562:Evidence Mounts That Qana Collapse And Deaths Were Staged.

Article# 561:Al Qaida Calls For Holy War Against Israel.

Article# 560:E.U. Leaders Will Debate On Length Of Peacekeeping Stay; Will It Be Seven Years.

Article# 559:Israeli PM Olmert Open To European Peacekeeping Force In Southern Lebanon.

Article# 558:Israel On Brink Of Major Ground Attack; Hezbollah Says They Are Ready!

Article# 557:Rice: No Point In Temporary Ceasefire & U.S. Won't Take Part In Negotiations.

Article# 556:Israel Gives Syria 72 Hour Ultimatum To Stop Violence.

Article# 555:Israel Pounds Lebanon; World Puzzled On How To Solve Middle East Crisis.

Article# 554:Israel Steps Up Attacks On Gaza & Lebanon; Abbas Warns Of Regional War.

Article# 553:Israel Calls Hizbollah Captures Act Of War; Healing & A Prayer Of Faith.

Article# 552:Ahmadinejad: Conditions For Removal Of Israel Are At Hand!

Article# 551:Israel At The Cross Roads Again; Could The Rapture Be Far Behind?

Past Current Event Articles Archive  January 22, 2005 to July 5, 2006

Past Current Event Articles Archive  September 27, 2003 to January 19, 2005

Past Current Event Articles Archive September 10, 2002 to September 14, 2003

Past Current Event Articles Archive April 9, 1999 to September 7, 2002

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