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Israel shocked by Obama's approval of large Turkish arms sale to Lebanon

DEBKAfile quotes senior Israeli military circles as staggered by the discovery that US president Barack Obama had approved a large Turkish arms sale to the Lebanese army, half of whose manpower are Shiites loyal to Hizballah. This was taken as further proof that the US president is deaf to Israel's immediate security concerns.

Our sources note that neither Washington nor Ankara bothered to inform Israel of the transaction or its scope. Debkafile

European ties with Israel have also been severely damaged.  Israel's resistance to continue the two-state solution is becoming a global problem that I believe they will sooner than later have to give in to.  

As we progress further into this quest for peace, don't look for the US or the EU to do Israel any favors.  This recent US approval of a large Turkish arms shipment to Lebanon (and Hezbollah) without consulting Israel is only the beginning.  I see both the US and EU taking extreme positions in an attempt to force Israel into a peace agreement that will be detrimental to their existence.

Turkey is considered an ally of Israel's, but prophecy experts believe they will be on of the nations that will take part in the yet future Battle of Gog and Magog described in Ezekiel 38.

Certainly, the Bible supports such a peace accord with many (Daniel 9:27).  Could this be the year that it all comes together?

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone

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