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'Iran will honor any two-state decision made by Palestinians'

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in an interview broadcast Sunday that the Islamic republic would honor any decision made by the Palestinians with regards to a two-state solution in a future peace deal with Israel.

"Whatever decision they take, we will support that. We think that this is the right of the Palestinian people," he told ABC's This Week in a rare face-to-face interview with an American news network.

On his 100th day in office, President Obama will be "crowned" in messianic imagery at New York City's Union Square.

Artist Michael D'Antuono's painting "The Truth" – featuring Obama with his arms outstretched and wearing a crown of thorns upon his head – will be unveiled on April 29 at the Square's South Plaza.  WND

Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman at the weekend tried to calm international concerns by insisting that even if diplomatic efforts fail, Israel will not attack Iran's nuclear facilities.

In an interview with an Austrian newspaper, Lieberman said that Israel alone cannot militarily resolve a problem that belongs to the entire world. He suggested that only a nation as powerful as the US can do so, and implicitly urged the Obama administration to get tougher with the Islamic Republic.

Addressing other regional issues in an interview with Israel Radio on Sunday, Lieberman said he is ready for peace talks with Syria, but without preconditions.  Israel Today

Certainly, Iran endorsing the Palestinian-Israeli two state solution and Israeli Prime Minister Lieberman insisting that, even if diplomacy with Iran fails, they will not attack Iran's nuclear facilities is a major step toward Middle East enemies at least coming to an understanding.  

Personally, I think Israel is starting to see the handwriting on the wall that a two state solution is inevitable.  With Iran coming aboard with their endorsement and willingness to set down with US President Obama, the pieces are beginning to be put into place.  Although with no preconditions, Israel is even ready to set down with Syria and talk peace.  They insist they will not be giving back the Golan Heights, but again, as things start to move forward, I think they will eventually sign it away as part of a broad peace agreement.

There will be a number of crucial meetings with President Obama and his Middle East partners in the coming months...especially the June meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu.  This will determine how cooperative and the direction as to which way Israel intends to go with peace.

In other news, artist Michael D'Antuono will be unveiling a painting on April 29th that depicts President Obama as a messiah figure.  The painting depicts "Obama with his arms outstretched and wearing a crown of thorns upon his head".  WND

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone

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