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Report: Intelligence Warns Israel is now an ‘Obstacle to Obama'; Netanyahu to tell Obama he's willing to soften on Palestinians in exchange for help on Iranian front

According to a classified intelligence assessment handed to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, U.S. President Barack Obama and his senior advisors wish to “incrementally diminish U.S. strategic cooperation with Israel.”

A report in World Tribune quoted an Israeli source familiar with the intelligence assessment who said that "Obama wants to make friends with our worst enemies and [those who were] until now the worst enemies of the United States. Under this policy,” the source added, “we are more than irrelevant. We have become an obstacle.”  Israel National News

A major US classified intelligence assessment has confirmed what prophecy experts have known for years that the US would one day turn its back on Israel.  The World Tribune, who broke the report, quoted an Israeli source saying, that under the present US policy, “we are more than irrelevant. We have become an obstacle.”  Israel National News  

The US appears to be speeding toward reconciliation with Israel's enemies at the expense of their security.  Further evidence of this assertion in the report claims that the US will limit future arms shipments to Israel that could be used against Iran and Syria.  Syria, and especially Iran, are seen as key players in President Obama's quest to stay on schedule for withdrawals from Iraq and Afghanistan.  

According to former US President Jimmy Carter, the US and Syria are almost at full diplomatic relations again.  It's only a matter of time before Iran and the US follow suit.  "Syrian President Bashar Assad is very eager to restore full ties with Washington," Carter told Haaretz. "I wouldn't be surprised if it happens this year".  Israel National News

The Jerusalem Post is reporting, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu plans to tell US President Barak Obama that he is willing to accept some form of the Arab Peace Initiative.  "According to sources close to the policy review being undertaken by the new government, Israel will compromise on the Palestinian issue to obtain more direct and aggressive US assistance on the Iranian front.  It is not known if such help includes logistical support for Israeli strikes in the case of a military confrontation with Teheran."   

This is the message he will be delivering to the president at their May 18th meeting.  But top Israeli officials are saying this compromise does not mean that he is willing to accept it in full as written.  One of the main obstacles of the plan is still the right of return of Palestinian refugees.  Although not mentioned in the article, I would suspect that the division of Jerusalem will also be a major obstacle.

Breaking News: Iran is about to become a major fuel supplier to the West, DEBKA-Net-Weekly reports.

For the sake of dialogue and cooperation, Washington is ceding Tehran the chance to feed its natural gas into the 3,000 kilometer-long Nabucco pipeline project (from the Caspian to the EU via Turkey).  Debkafile

At the same time, five European Union nations and Turkey, have been ignoring UN sanctions against Iran.  With the US paving the way, it's only a matter of time before others follow the lead of these nations and normalize relations with Iran.

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone

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