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Netanyahu aides fear 'surprise' demands from Obama

Benjamin Netanyahu's aides fear that U.S. President Barack Obama will "surprise" the prime minister with unanticipated ideas and demands at the leaders' upcoming meeting in Washington on May 18.

A political source in Jerusalem said that Netanyahu's associates have been recently discussing a scenario in which Obama makes unequivocal demands on issues like West Bank settlement construction, illegal outposts and negotiations with the Palestinians.

The aides also fear a public clash between the two premiers, such as during a news conference or in comments the pair make, in which their differences will be aired.

The U.S. is in the process now of either providing or upgrading existing Patriot missile defense systems in the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait. For that matter, it also is assisting Israel in upgrading its existing Patriot batteries and providing technology to assist in the Arrow Two, an indigenous Israeli anti-missile system. The assistance continues despite the Obama administration's opposition to any such Israeli attack on Iran.

Israel has let it be known that it intends to attack Iran's nuclear facilities if the U.S. doesn't, or if ongoing negotiations targeting Iran's nuclear program fail. Israel had also made it clear that such negotiations should "quickly" achieve results to avoid Israeli action.  WND

Israel agrees that a comprehensive peace agreement with the Palestinians will entail a two-state solution, Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon said.

"The government of Israel, because of our democratic tradition and because of the continuity principle, is going to abide by all previous commitments the former government took, including the acceptance of the road map to peace which will lead to a two-state solution," Ayalon said, referring to the internationally backed 2002 peace plan.  Israel National News

As the May 18th meeting between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Barack Obama, Israeli officials fear that President Obama may throw in a few surprises that may put pressure on Israel to accept harsh concessions.  I don't expect this meeting to be a photo opportunity for either leader.  Reports are starting to surface that the Netanyahu administration is in favor of the a two-state solution.  Is this just a play on words by Israeli leadership or have they finally got in line with what the world has clearly demanded?

I believe it's only a matter of time before Israel will have to make the decision to either accept the reality of a two-state solution or face global isolation.  In their present spiritual blindness they will ultimately choose to follow the path set out by the world.

In other news, it is being reported that the US is supplying Patriot missile defense systems or upgrading present systems in Arab countries in the event Israel does follow through with their threat of striking Iran.  Israel has been practicing strike maneuvers just in case US diplomacy fails.  Whether they will follow through with such a strike is yet to be seen.

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone

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