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Source: Palestinians may accept limited right of return with refugee majority settling in Palestine state

On Thursday, Israel held a major drill that encompassed all possible fronts and included scenarios that simulated war against Hezbollah, Hamas, Syria, and Iran.  Although, Israel is in a constant state of readiness on the home front, it is highly unlikely that they will stage an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities in the foreseeable future.  Sources are saying, during Mr. Netanyahu's visit with US President Obama earlier this week, the president, in so many words, shot down any possibility of an Israeli preemptive strike against Iran.  I don't see Israel going against Iran for a number of reasons. 1) It would be a major thorn in US efforts to get out of Afghanistan and Iraq.  2) Israel relies heavily upon military aid from the US to the tune of about $3 billion a year.  3) This would cause irreparable damage to Israeli and US relations... a relationship they can't afford to lose.

One of the roadblocks of Middle East peace has been the Islamic world's insistence that refugees have the option of right of return to Israel.  But Palestinian sources are now stating that they may be willing to compromise on this issue.

With regards to the right of return, the Palestinians reiterated their traditional position: Israel must acknowledge responsibility for the creation of the refugee problem.

Abu Rudeina says the Palestinian position on the issue is identical to that of the Arab Peace Initiative: a just and agreed solution to the refugee question, on the basis of UN Resolution 194.

But other Palestinian sources say the PA will probably agree to an arrangement under which refugees will have the right of return to the Palestinian state, with Israel agreeing to absorb up to 100,000 Palestinians within its borders under family reunification.

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak announced on Wednesday that he will not be able to come to Washington for his meeting with President Obama next week due to the death of his grandson.  

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone

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