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Official: Obama admin sees Jerusalem divided; 'He told us city will never be united under Israeli sovereignty'

Despite all the will Jerusalem Day sound bites coming from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the truth is, most already see Jerusalem divided.  Many of East Jerusalem's neighborhoods, which are already off-limits to Israeli's, are actively being developed with US support. 

The Obama administration told the Palestinian Authority that Jerusalem will never be united under Israeli sovereignty, a top Palestinian Authority official told WND today.

"Americans said an open Jerusalem - yes. But a united Jerusalem under Israeli sovereignty - no," Hatem Abdel Khader, the PA's minister for Jerusalem affairs, said in comments to both WND and Israel's Ynetnews website.

"(The Obama administration) has made clear that Jerusalem must be accessible to everyone – but not united under Israel's rule," Khader said.  

Khader told WND, "The Americans are very present on the ground, and they are making pressure over Israeli authorities and even municipalities."

"They are acting according to the concept that the failure to establish a Palestinian state would jeopardize U.S. national security interests – and without Jerusalem there is no Palestinian state," he said. WND

Khader also went on to say that the US is helping the Palestinians to establish a strong foothold in East Jerusalem.  Many of these illegal Palestinian homes have been marked for demolition, but after a strong protest by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the demolition has been derailed for the time being.  Don't look for the Israeli government to follow through with this operation.

Put June 4th on your calendar, President Obama will be addressing the world from Cairo.  It will be interesting to see if he continues to be agreeable with Mr. Netanyahu's policy... especially in front of an Egyptian audience.

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone

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