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Hamas Extends Long-Term Truce To Israel; Could Be As Long As 15 Years

The Hamas speaker of the Palestinian parliament, freed by Israel this week after three years in prison, has urged the Jewish state to accept a long-term truce offered by the Islamist group.

Although Hamas refuses to recognize Israel, it is offering "some type of reconciliation" that could, if accepted, bring lasting peace to the Middle East, Aziz Dweik told Reuters in an interview on Thursday.

Israel should withdraw from Palestinian land to the borders it had before the 1967 Middle East War, and permit the creation of a Palestinian state with a pledge of non-violence, he said.

"We have to grasp this opportunity," Dweik said. "This is a moment of truth...I hope the Israelis will take advantage of it for their benefit and for our benefit."

Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, opposes the dominant Palestinian Fatah group that recognizes Israel and is ready to conclude a comprehensive peace treaty.

The Islamist group, which has carried out dozens of suicide bombings against the Jewish state, does not recognize Israel's right to exist but has spoken of a 15-year truce. Dweik said any truce should last as long as possible to allow reconciliation.  Reuters

This is astonishing news in light of Scripture which states, after Israel returns to their land, they will engage in a peace treaty that would last seven-years (Daniel 9:27).  The Bible also prophesies, during the time just before the Battle of Gog and Magog (Ezekiel 38:8, 11 & 14), Israel would be living in a time of peace and safety.  

Even though Hamas is unwilling to recognize Israel, they are willing to extend a 15-year truce offering in an attempt to hasten the creation of a Palestinian state.  Of course, they are also asking that Israel retreat back to the original 1967 borders in return.

This peace offerings only purpose is to place more US and international pressure on Israel.  It is unlikely it will be the final seven-year peace accord but I do feel it will play an important part.  This is what I believe will be the future direction of the peace accord:

For years, Middle East experts have been saying that peace in the region could never be accomplished without the inclusion of Hamas.  This peace offering by Hamas will be welcomed by the international community and will kick ME negotiations into a higher gear.  With Hamas no longer an immediate obstacle, this places all the pressure on Israel to go forward with the creation of a Palestinian state.  In fact, it would not surprise me if Hezbollah, Syria, and possibly Iran came forward and extended the same truce agreement.  You can bet Hamas didn't come up with this long-term truce scheme all by themselves.  

With a long-term truce with Israel's enemies secured, it will give the US and international community the time to figure out a timeline for creating a Palestinian state.  This timeline will set in place the structure for when Israel will have final borders in place, West Bank land evacuated and turned over to the Palestinians, and when East Jerusalem will become the Palestinian capital.  Certainly, there will be other less important details included but these will be the main points.  In the end, the timeline for completion will be for seven-years.

With the Arab League extending their 57-state solution, Hamas (and likely Hezbollah and Syria) agreeing to a truce, and the US and EU promising to guarantee their security, I have to believe Israel will have no choice but to accept this false peace.

This could start out to be nothing more than a timeline to create a Palestinian state and not the peace accord with the future Antichrist.  When the West Bank is turned over to the Palestinian state and Israel is living in peace, this may be the time when Russia and their Islamic Alliance comes calling.  Not all the Islamic nations will take part in this epic battle, but when it's over, all who take part will be utterly destroyed (Ezekiel 38 & 39).

Following this battle, this may be when the Antichrist comes forward and confirms and strengthens the original peace (Daniel 9:27).  It may be at this time that the seven-year peace accord is established.  Whether the Palestinian state (or Gaza) will still exist following this battle is unknown.  I will assume that Israel will reclaim these lands and rebuild their temple without opposition.  When the Lord supernaturally strikes down the invading nations I believe many will fear Israel.

Certainly, this is all speculation, but it will be interesting to see what direction this latest Hamas truce offering will take.  We can be assured that a false peace is coming because the Bible tells us so.  Is this the time it will finally take root?

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone

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