Calvary Prophecy Report

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US VP: If Israel wants to bomb Iran, we can't stop them; Claim: Israel will fly over Saudi airspace to bomb Iran; Saudis deny 

European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana is reportedly retiring when his term ends in October of this year.  "I had a 10-year mandate which I have fulfilled. I do not mean to go any further," the Spaniard told daily ABC.   The 66-year old policy chief has been cited by a few in the prophecy world as a candidate to be the future Antichrist. 

DEBKAfile's intelligence sources: The last three days from Friday, June 3, have seen a spate of reports all pointing in one direction: Israel's air and sea capabilities for dealing with Iran and its military nuclear program. US vice president Biden's statement, unless it is withdrawn, looks like the Obama administration's seal on a possible Israeli attack for pre-empting a nuclear-armed Iran. "Israel can determine for itself whether or not to bomb Iran's nuclear program," he said.  Debkafile

As reported yesterday, Israeli intelligence reported that Saudi Arabia would allow Israel to fly over their airspace to accomplish any future raid on Iran’s nuclear sites.  Today, Saudi Arabian officials have denied that any such permission was granted to Israel.  "Of course this is not true. We don't have any kind of relationship with the Israelis," Osama Nugali, spokesman for the Saudi foreign ministry, told AFP.   Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has also denied that there has been secret meetings between the two countries calling the rumors "fundamentally wrong and baseless."

I don't doubt there has been mutual cooperation between Israel and Saudi Arabia regarding the destruction of Iran's nuclear facilities.  It's definitely in the interest of both for Iran not to acquire nuclear weapons capability.  Personally, I don't think the Bible supports an Israeli attack on Iran.  Certainly, if Israel did attack, the retaliation could be limited to rocket attacks from Iran's proxy armies...Hamas and Hezbollah.  But the drawback of such an attack, most military experts predict that it would only set Iran's nuclear program back by a few years.  I look for the Battle of Gog and Magog to be the next war between Israel and Iran, but I wouldn't rule out a bombing raid followed up with a local retaliation.

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone

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