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Obama envoy: Peace process will bring Arab-Israeli normalization; Arab states can normalize relations with Israel during peace process

President Barack Obama's Mideast envoy said Monday that Washington is not asking any Arab country to immediately achieve full normalization with Israel, but that this will come during the peace process.

George Mitchell said after talks with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak that this normalization will come further down the road in the process.

Mitchell arrived in Israel Sunday and met with Defense Minister Ehud Barak as part of an ongoing effort to reach an agreement on construction in the settlements. The two are reportedly close to a deal in which Washington would allow a limited number of projects in advanced stages of construction to be completed, but Israel would freeze all other building for an as-yet undetermined period of time.

Sources well-versed in the talks told Haaretz that no agreement will be signed during this visit, but the gaps have narrowed significantly. They said that Israel, which initially opposed Washington's demands, has softened its stance considerably, while the Americans are also making efforts to bridge the gaps.

US Mideast envoy George Mitchell, who is in the Middle East today, said that Washington is very close to an agreement with Israel on settlement growth.  No agreement will be signed this visit but those close to the negotiations say that the "gaps have narrowed significantly."

Another significant development is that Mitchell said he did not expect the Arab world to immediately achieve full normalization with Israel, but that it could be achieved over the course of the peace process.  

I find this declaration fascinating!  This again, plays into Bible prophecy and why a seven-year peace accord will be necessary.  I believe this will be the timeline set out by the Antichrist for total peace to be accomplished.  This will include Arab normalization with Israel, Israel turning over West Bank territory to the Palestinians, and the division of Jerusalem.  It will be phased in over time.

Another fact that could advance the peace process...over half of the settlement growth population is ultra-Orthodox.  Unlike settlers who believe they are continuing the historic Zionist mission of reclaiming the Jewish homeland, most ultra-Orthodox do not consider themselves settlers or Zionists and express no commitment to being in the West Bank, so their growth in these settlement towns, situated just inside the pre-1967 boundary, could be redirected westward to within Israel.  Their location also means it may be possible, in negotiations about a future Palestinian state, to redraw the boundary so the settlements are inside Israel, with little land lost to the Palestinians.  NYTimes  And these settlers state they are willing to do whatever the global community decides.  “We will go along with what the world wants. We have gone through the Holocaust and know what it means to have the world against us. The Torah says a man needs to know his place," said Yaakov Guterman, 40. NYTimes

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone

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