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Palestinian PM: We'll form de facto state by 2011

The Palestinian Authority intends to establish a de-facto state within the next two years, despite failing peace talks, Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad said on Tuesday.

"We have decided to be proactive, to expedite the end of the occupation by working very hard to build positive facts on the ground, consistent with having our state emerge as a fact that cannot be ignored," Fayyad told the Times of London. "This is our agenda, and we want to pursue it doggedly."

According to Fayyad, the idea would be to "end the occupation, despite the occupation."

The de facto state would include security forces, public services and a thriving economy, Fayyad told the Times, and would hopfully serve as the impetus to Israel to move foward on its own commitments.

Fayyad was to unveil his plan for building the institutions and infrastructure of the state of Palestine, which he said could feasibly be readied in the next two years.

The Palestinian Authority intends on establishing a Palestinian state by 2011 despite floundering peace efforts.  According to the 65-page plan, a new international airport and rail system, and investor tax incentives are the key components that will drive the Palestinian states economy.  Certainly, you can expect international funding to play a significant role in the survival of such an undertaking.

Whether this is just a publicity stunt or a realistic endeavor will be determined by what I would assume would be a timely Israeli response to this declaration.  The Israeli government would have a lot to say regarding whether they are willing to permit a Palestinian state to be created on their land.  Personally, I don't see this going forward, but it does set a global timeline for peace.  US President Obama has also targeted 2011 as the year for Middle East peace and a staged beginning of a Palestinian state.

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone

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