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Ministers back Blair as best man to lead EU

Tony Blair should be made head of a stronger European Union that would be able to compete with China and the United States on the world stage, the Foreign Secretary said yesterday.

David Miliband said that the new EU president needed to be someone who “stopped the traffic” in Washington and Beijing and was guaranteed the highest access to world leaders.

With EU leaders preparing to start talking about Mr Blair’s prospects this week, his supporters have begun a sustained campaign to showcase the advantages he would bring to the role. The behind the scenes battle is becoming increasingly fraught, with some of the smaller EU countries combining in a “Stop Blair” effort. So far he is the only politician to be backed publicly for the role.  TimesOnline

Former prime minister of the UK and present quartet Middle East peace envoy Tony Blair, is being openly promoted by EU ministers in a sustained campaign to showcase what he will bring to the table if he is elected president of the European Union.  This is what online newspaper had to say about Mr. Blair:

Tony Blair should be made head of a stronger European Union that would be able to compete with China and the United States on the world stage, the Foreign Secretary said yesterday.

David Miliband said that the new EU president needed to be someone who “stopped the traffic” in Washington and Beijing and was guaranteed the highest access to world leaders.  TimesOnline

While the larger members seem to be putting their weight behind Mr. Blair, many of the smaller members are attempting to build support for a "stop Blair" effort.  Could this be part of the resistance that Daniel 7:24 speaks of that will rise up against the Antichrist and his bid to take control?

Certainly, I am not advocating that Tony Blair will be the Antichrist or in any way that I know who the Antichrist will be.  I do not believe the Bible supports that anyone will know who he will be until sometime after the rapture of the church (II Thessalonians 2:3-9).

It is my belief, once the rapture takes place, panic will grip the world...and contrary to what most may believe...many around the world will see this great disappearance as the rapture of the church (Rapture & What Will Follow).  Frankly, God doesn't need to deceive anyone to bring about His purpose.  He will allow the world to believe what they may, but ultimately, the tribulation period will follow just as prophecy has declared in God's timing.  But Satan, on the other hand, does need deception to bring about his purposes!  Of course, his purpose will be directed be God as well.  

When the rapture takes place, Satan will realize that he is no longer being opposed by the Holy Spirit.  With his new found freedom, he will choose his Antichrist and false prophet based on who is in the best position (at the time) to accomplish his plans (see Article# 971).  It's highly unlikely, that he is at this time, grooming two men behind the scenes to become the Antichrist and the false prophet.  Case in point, at the Second Coming of Christ, Satan will be defeated, chained and cast into a bottomless pit for one thousand years (Revelation 20:1-3).  For that time period he will have no access to mankind, but after the thousand years are complete, he will be released back onto the earth for a "little season".  The Bible does not elaborate as to how long this "little season" is, but throughout the Bible, the word "season" usually indicates a short time...and this is described as a "little season".  So I have to believe he won't be loosed on the earth but for a very short time.

When Satan does return to earth, he again will look for the best people whom he can manipulate to meet his immediate plans just as he did with Judas.  The Bible says just four verses later (Revelation 20:7-9) that it won't take him long to deceive the world again and assemble a massive rebellion against the Lord.  

This to will happen during the tribulation period.  When the rapture takes place, whoever is in the best positions for Satan to carryout his plan of world worship will be manipulated (controlled) and eventually possessed just as Judas was.  The fact that the Bible knows that Satan will choose this future ruler out of the nations that once comprised the Roman Umpire is simply a matter of God's omniscience.  He just knows and has graciously shared this truth with us in advance through His Word.

Whether the Antichrist will turn out to be Tony Blair is unknown, but he does look poised to rise up to become the first president of the EU.  Only time will tell where this selection will take us.

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone

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