Latest Prophecy Commentary
Will Obama sell out the US through nuclear disarmament and a weak stand against terror?
US President Barack Obama's plan to begin phasing out nuclear weapons has run up against powerful resistance from officials in the Pentagon and other American agencies, The Los Angeles Times reported late Sunday.
Obama laid out his vision of a nuclear-free world in a speech in Prague last April.
The Pentagon has stressed the importance of continued US deterrence, an objective Obama has said he agrees with, the report said.
But a senior defense official, who described the debate as "spirited," acknowledged that some officials are concerned that the administration may be going too far, the paper pointed out.
US President Obama has introduced a plan to essentially weaken the US militarily as a world power. He has proposed that the US begin phasing out nuclear weapons hoping the world powers will follow suit. Of course, he's living in a dream world...the same dream world that has terrorists sitting down and talking out their differences with him and the rest of the free world. Thankfully, commonsense has so far prevailed with many powerful leaders at the Pentagon standing strong against such a ridiculous move.
As I said back in 2008 in the run-up to the US presidential election (Article# 837), those who voted for Barack Obama (put their hope in) would not see the economic change they'd hoped for, but the curse of God. Their vote for abortion and the advancement of gay rights would be rewarded with continued economic hardship, a less safe America (increased terrorist attacks), a continuation of war in Iraq and Afghanistan with no exit plan, and the appointment of two more liberal US Supreme Court justices. That's not to mention a national debt that would skyrocket to top $12 trillion and growing. Actually, the appointment of two Liberal Supreme Court justices was my greatest worry. They have the power to set back the Pro Life movement 20-30 years and to pass pro gay legislation that could never be overturned.
Here's another reminder of just what the US has gotten itself into. President Obama has named Amanda Simpson to a high ranking government position. This person is well known in US government circles to be transgender. Here's what Simpson had to say about his/her appointment:
President Obama recently named Amanda Simpson to be a Senior Technical Advisor to the Commerce Department.
In a statement, Simpson, a member of the National Center for Transgender Equality's board of directors, said that "as one of the first transgender presidential appointees to the federal government, I hope that I will soon be one of hundreds, and that this appointment opens future opportunities for many others."
In the near future, I expect to see President Obama to continue to fail at bringing the US economy back to tolerable levels along with an expanding debt. With Mr. Obama still living in a fantasy world regarding terrorism, you can expect a major terrorist attack on US soil sooner than later. Frankly, that could be what brings about the next major world war.
Certainly, for the most part, I am preaching to the choir. We know that God's Word does not fail and we will reap what we have chosen to sow. But there is another side to the coin that promises the blessings of God on any nation that will listen and obey. "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land (II Chronicles 7:14)."
As Christian's, we have the ability to pray, seek the face of God, and turn from sin. With that repentance, God promises to heal our land, but we must be willing to humble ourselves and turn from sin. Wherever you may live, whatever nation you represent, God is ready to heal your land. I encourage you to take that first step and allow the Lord to first change your life.
If you don't know the Lord today, I encourage you to make that commitment before it's too late!
Are you ready to meet the Lord? If not, your time is running out!
Terry Malone
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