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Abbas offended by Egypt, turns to Saudia Arabia; Egyptian Pressure: Cairo demanding Abbas resume peace talks with Israel without complete settlement freeze, but he refuses

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is under firm Egyptian pressure aimed at forcing him to agree to the resumption of peace negotiations with Israel. According to the London-based Arabic-language al-Quds al-Arabi newspaper, Abbas refused to restart the talks based on an American proposal that he must waive his demand for a complete freeze in the construction of settlements.

According to the report, Abbas is under "a direct threat that he will be completely ignored by the Egyptian leadership." According to the newspaper, a series of reports have claimed that Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak threatened the Palestinians that his country would completely give up on the Palestinian issue if Abbas failed to accept Cairo's demand and fully cooperate with the Egyptians.

Egypt is tiring of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and his continued resistance to go back to the negotiations table until Israel completely freezes construction into the West Bank and East Jerusalem.  According to sources, Egypt is close to washing its hands of Mr. Abbas if he continues to refuse to cooperate in negotiations.  Abbas seems to be puzzled over the response from Egypt, but they might not be alone.  The above article leads me to believe that both Jordan and Saudi Arabia may share in Egypt's frustration with Abbas. 

This is definitely something to keep an eye on.  When Egypt, a leading nation in the Arab League, says they are tiring of Abbas, they're probably not alone.  Neither Jordan or Saudi Arabia are friends with Israel but they, along with Egypt, do have understandings with the US.  You can bet the US is pressuring Egypt to get the Palestinians back to the table.

Defense Minister Ehud Barak is scheduled to meet with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak on Wednesday and he has been told to expect progress.  Yesterday, Mr. Barak stated that the peace process wasn't as dead as many believed, but that progress was being made even though the two sides weren't talking. 

Is it possible that the details to create a Palestinian state are in the final stages of completion as WND reported?  If this is true, it would be vital to get the two sides back to the peace table.  But to take this possibility any further than this would be sheer speculation.

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Terry Malone

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Home Page                                                                   Last Updated January 26, 2009 

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