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Israel rejects call for 3-month freeze; Mitchell to Abbas: No more excuses, renew Mideast talks; Could one-state solutions be only option?

Israel has no intention of acceding to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s call for a freeze of all construction in West Bank settlements and in occupied east Jerusalem for three months, in order to resume direct negotiations with the PA, a senior government official said on Monday.
“We are not going to accept the Palestinian position on Jerusalem as a condition for entering the talks,” the official said.

Israel has rejected a call by Palestinian Leader Abbas for Israel to institute a three month freeze in exchange for the resumption of direct talks with him.  This was nothing more than a ploy to see if Israel was willing to show weakness and give up their claim to Eastern Jerusalem.  Fortunately, they were able to see through Mr. Abbas' motives and reject his offer out of hand.  

Whether or not the US is upset with Israel (at least publicly) over this rejection is unknown, but US special envoy to the Mideast George Mitchell did issue a stern rebuke toward Abbas: 

"The time has come to stop finding excuses for avoiding a return to the negotiating table," the London paper quoted Mitchell as saying, citing French officials.

Mitchell believes the Palestinians are less than enthusiastic about coming back to the table for fear of the unknown.  They continue to up the stakes or change them every time they are confronted with the possibility of coming back.  Mr. Mitchell has asked the European Union to ratchet up the pressure on Abbas to get him back to the negotiations table.

French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner defended Abbas by saying he understands Abbas' hesitation to come back without international guarantees that a Palestinian state will be created within a specified timeframe.  Kouchner proposed that a guarantee be submitted to Abbas, that upon sitting down to talks, a Palestinian state would be created in two years or less.  Of course, Mitchell is not giving out any guarantees to the Palestinians or Israelis.  

The Bible says that peace will come to Israel during these last days (Daniel 9:27; Ezekiel 38:8, 11, 12 & 14).  A one state solution is not in the future, and certainly, Israel knows it's not an option.  Under a one state solution, all residents of Israel and the West Bank would be merged into one state under Israeli control.  If that were to happen, Israel would eventually be forced by the international community to grant the Palestinian residents of the West Bank equal rights and privileges such as human services and voting.  They would resist, but in the end, deepening international sanctions and isolation would force them to comply.  It would only be a matter of time before Israel lost its Jewish majority, and thereby, the Jewish state would simply disappear.

Some prophecy experts believe the Bible prophesies that there will be two states in the land of Israel during the last days (Ezekiel 37:15-23).  Could this scripture be the foretelling of the two state solution?

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Terry Malone

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Home Page                                                                   Last Updated February 02, 2010 

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