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Iranian President Once Again Claims Iran Is Now A Nuclear Nation

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad claimed Thursday that Iran has produced its first batch of uranium enriched to a higher level, saying his country will not be bullied by the West into curtailing its nuclear program a day after the U.S. imposed new sanctions.

Ahmadinejad reiterated to hundreds of thousands of cheering Iranians on the anniversary of the 1979 foundation of the Islamic republic that the country was now a "nuclear state," an announcement he's made before. He insisted that Iran had no intention of building nuclear weapons.

It was not clear how much enriched material had actually been produced just two days after the process was announced to have started.

Whether Iran is as close as they claim is debatable.  Certainly, this gives Israel more ammunition in its attempt to persuade the international community as to how dangerous a nuclear armed Iran could be to the region.  But this isn't the first time Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has announced to the world they were a nuclear nation.  

It is expected that the US will push for more crippling sanctions and it looks as though China, along time deterrent to such sanctions, is finally ready to give in.  

Iran claims its nuclear program is not meant for the creation of nuclear weapons but for civilian use.  Ahmadinejad also stated yesterday at their anniversary rally that they would enrich uranium to 20%, but can enrich it to as high as 80% if they desire.  The latter percentage is enrichment to weapons grade uranium and would allow Iran to create nuclear weapons.

Tensions are escalating in both Lebanon and Syria due to the strong possibility that war may be on the horizon with Israel.  This is likely the work of Iran in an attempt to divert attention away from its clandestine nuclear program.  

Frankly, how close Iran may be to actually becoming a nuclear power is unknown.  Israeli sources believe it could be later this year or early 2011.  The international community has projected that it will not be nearly as soon but sometime between 2013-2015.

As I look at how this has escalated into a real war possibility within the next twelve months, I can only wonder if cooler heads will once again prevail.  If the Bible is any indication as to which way this scenario may lead I still have to believe a temporary peace will pre-empt what looks to be eminent war (Daniel 9:27; Ezekiel 38:7, 11 & 14).  Although, I have to admit, Lebanon's warning to Israel that an attack on Hezbollah would mean an attack on them, followed by Syria announcing that they would also join the fight if attacked did surprise me.  This leaves very little room for error or misunderstandings for the future of the Middle East.

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone

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Home Page                                                                   Last Updated February 11, 2010 

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