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Israel mulling a spring or summer war: Ahmadinejad

According to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Israel is planning either a spring or summer war with the Islamic Republic but have not decided as to which season it will be.  

Without specifying whom would be targeted, Ahmadinejad said: "According to information we have they (Israel) are seeking to start a war next spring or summer, although their decision is not final yet."

"But the resistance and regional states will finish them if this fake regime does anything again," the hardliner said at a press conference when asked about ongoing efforts to reconcile ties between Arabs and Israel. The Himalayan

In Russia, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, dismissed the idea of a war with Iran stating that Israel was trying other avenues for now.  Netanyahu is in Russia to try and convince them that imposing tough international sanctions was the only way to stop Iran's nuclear program.  So far, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has said no to pressure from Israel to impose such sanctions.  They are also defending the sale of the S-300 air defense system to Iran which will ultimately make any Israeli air strike a very difficult task.

The Bible is clear that Israel and Iran will be involved in a future war (Ezekiel 38 & 39) that will engulf the whole Middle East.  Russia, will lead this war that will ultimately claim 83% of this invading army.  One other point that should be noted.  This scenario was prophesied over 2500 years ago and specifically projects that Russia will be the predominant leader when this war breaks out.  It amazes me that after 2500 years that includes the rise and decline of the Ottoman Empire (1281-1922) and several wars with Russia (early 1800s to early 1900s), that Russia would rise up and lead this future attack.  The Bible says that more than a dozen nations will play a part in this future invasion against Israel but amazingly pinpoints Russia as the leader 2500 years in advance.  Certainly, if we were to look at world history, it could have been any nation in the Ottoman Empire, most notably Turkey.  But just as the Bible has predicted, Russia has risen to the top in these last days to be the obvious military power who will lead these nations.

Will Israel attack Iran in the coming months?  The Bible doesn't suggest such a scenario but that doesn't necessarily rule it out.  A military strike could take place without the thunderous response promised from the Islamic Republic or their allies.  But I would have to say, if such an Israeli attack were to take place, you can bet at least Hamas and Hezbollah would retaliate.  Even Syria and Iran may engage in a short lived fight against Israel, but in the end, the international community will restore order...and ultimately bring a false peace.

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone

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Home Page                                                                   Last Updated February 16, 2010 

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