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Europe wants to recognize Palestinian state now

French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner and Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Moratinos have launched an initiative to officially recognize a sovereign Palestinian state in 18 months, even if negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians have not concluded.

Senior European diplomats cited by Ha'aretz said Israel was informed of the initiative several weeks ago. Israeli officials confirmed that, and noted that Jerusalem has been lobbying hard against the initiative.

Kouchner and Moratinos are said to be preparing a joint article encouraging immediate recognition of a Palestinian state. The article will be published in all major European newspapers.  Israel Today

I initially brought this report to you a couple of weeks ago.  This initiative is very bad news for Israel and I fear it will catch fire when it is released to the general public.  World public opinion has never sided with Israel and don't expect that to change.  The only obstacle standing in the way is the blessing of the United States, but there will come a time when that hindrance will be removed.  Frankly, I don't believe it will happen until after the rapture of the church.  When Christians are taken from this world, the strong US support Israel has relied on for its very existence will diminish quickly.    

French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner and Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Moratinos are pushing for the recognition of a Palestinian state as soon as possible but no later than 18 months.  

Today, I was watching the McLaughlin Report and a question was posed regarding whether or not Israel will strike Iran's nuclear facilities within the next six months.  The panel agreed there was little to no chance of that happening.  When Pat Buchanan was asked how dangerous Iran was, he replied that they posed zero threat to the US, disregarding Israel's security altogether.

I believe the day is coming very soon when the US will force Israel to accept a nuclear Iran and rely on the outstretched arms of the US missile shield for protection.  But that protection will be abandoned when Russia enters into the equation (Ezekiel 38 & 39).  When that happens, the US will have to re-evaluate how relevant Israel really is to their interest and security.  When push comes to shove, Israel will find themselves all alone. 

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone

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Home Page                                                                   Last Updated February 21, 2010 

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