Calvary Prophecy Report

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Excitement over $1 trln euro plan fades, euro slips

Following yesterday's $1 trillion euro bailout, much of the excitement has faded after stocks around the world began to dive.  The euro also took a hit placing its value near even with the US dollar.  Fears that Japan, the world's most debt ridden industrial nation, may be hit next are rumbling through the global financial sector.  

In Japan, the world's most indebted industrialized nation, government officials warned Tokyo could no longer take investors' willingness to bankroll its spending for granted.

Japan so far has had no trouble financing its deficits, even as its public debt is forecast to reach 200 percent of GDP within a year or so, thanks to a vast pool of domestic savings and reliance on domestic investors to foot the bill (

I believe the world economy is going to get worse before it gets better.  How much worse is hard to predict, but if you go by what the experts are saying, this global economy maybe beginning to unravel.  However, I do believe a world leader will step in before it completely gets out of control and miraculously turn it around. According to the Bible, that will be one of the attributes of the Antichrist in the last days (Daniel 8:25).  

According to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Iran is doing its best to stir up a war between Israel and Syria.  This is no doubt a diversion to try and focus global attention away from Iran's nuclear program and the US push for international sanctions.  Experts believe they could have a nuclear weapon by the end of this year and the capability to deliver it by 2012.

As both Israel and Hezbollah are gearing up for what many believe will be a summer war the cries of peace are ever present.  To many in the Middle East, peace seems to be a near impossibility, but the Bible is clear, one day soon, it will come.

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone

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If you haven't had a chance to take a look at my book "Revelation Revealed", I encourage you to go to my website and explore what this book has to offer.  I believe it will give you a clear understanding of the end times and the order in which it may come.  Pick up a copy today for yourself or a loved one who does not know the Lord.  I know it will be a spiritual blessing to you and will help support this ministry.  To order a copy of Revelation Revealed please click here.

                                                                                                                                                                      Updated May 11, 2010 

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