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Turkish flotilla organizers planning to dispatch more Gaza aid ships; Iranian vessels to stopover in Istanbul

Quartet’s envoy to the Middle East, Tony Blair, has worked out a deal with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to bring in aid from ships to the Gazan people without weapons being smuggled in as well.  The plan has three parts:

Formulation of a blacklist of goods and supplies that will not be allowed into Gaza, particularly items that could be put to use in manufacturing weapons; Israel’s acquiescence to the entry of building materials for UN-sponsored construction projects; and Israel’s agreement to consider stationing European Union as well as Palestinian Authority monitors at border crossings to inspect incoming goods (

This is just one more step in stationing international troops in key areas of Gaza, the West Bank, and in Israel.  I look for this to play a major role in the future Middle East peace plan to come. 

However, as this plan is being finalized, Debkafile sources are now painting a new picture of the Iranian flotilla headed for Gaza.  There are no accompanying naval vessels or Revolutionary Guard on board (as far as we know), but new information is coming in that the Iranian flotilla will "put in at Turkish ports first and sail to their destination in a joint flotilla with Turkish vessels (Debkafile)."  It is unknown at this time if these Turkish vessels will be military or civilian ships.  It is also unknown who will man these ships or who will board the Iranian ships prior to setting sail to Gaza.  I certainly would not rule out terrorist or military personnel boarding the Iranian ships while docked at the Turkish ports. 

Israel is well aware of this clandestine stopover and has vowed that these types of ships would be considered enemies of the state of Israel.  In Jerusalem , Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman asserted that Israel would no longer respect these vessels as promoted by aid agencies because they were obviously dispatched by outright enemies with hostile intent thinly disguised as humanitarian efforts (Debkafile)

According to Debkafile sources, the Turkish administration is dead set on breaking Israel's sea blockade on Gaza.  The flotilla is expected to set sail at the end of the week.  One of the ships may already be on the way.

This is just another precursor to what the Bible predicted over 2500 years ago.  Turkey and Syria, and now Turkey and Iran, have become newly acquainted friends in these last days just as the Bible said (Ezekiel 38:4-14).  God said that He would bring the nations together who seek to destroy Israel in order that He may destroy them (Zechariah 12:2-3).  Whether or not this will be the timeframe this prophecy will be fulfilled is unknown, but that day is coming!

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone
Calvary Prophecy Report

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Home Page                                                                                 Updated June 16, 2010 



Iran turkey gaza aid flotilla ships crisis, iranian turkish gazan aid flotilla ships, ezekiel 38 prophecy, signs of the end times, signs last days, israel turkey syria iran war, signs of the rapture, what is the rapture