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Netanyahu seeks to give away more of Golan Heights to Syria than other PMs for peace

According to intelligence sources, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is ready to offer up more of the Golan Heights to Syria than any other past prime minister for the sake of peace.  

According to the plan developed by Netanyahu, Israel and its army, the IDF will withdraw to the so-called Ridge Line (see attached map) – provided Syrian President Bashar Assad follows the example of the late Anwar Sadat, president of Egypt from1971-1981, who paid a state visit to Jerusalem in November 1977 and offered Israel full peace and his country’s adherence to the Western bloc. Under the peace accord he signed with Israel in 1979, Egypt recovered the entire Sinai Peninsula from Israel and accepted its demilitarization.
To regain Golan, which Syria lost after attacking Israel in 1967, Assad would additionally be required to sever his political and military bonds with Iran and withdraw his political and military support from the terrorist organizations, Hizballah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the fringe groups based in Damascus (

This move would certainly not be in the best interest of Israel militarily, but Netanyahu is attempting to convince the White House to abandon peace efforts with the Palestinians in favor of Syria.  He believes peace with Syria would serve to be much more beneficial in the long run than with Palestine.  The ultimate goal of this peace attempt is to convince Syria to break off ties with Iran and all terrorist groups.

Israel and Syria may come to terms temporarily for the sake of Syria regaining a strategic piece of land, but in the long run, they have no desire to be at peace with Israel.  I have to believe, if peace does come, it will be bundled in a regional plan that will include many (Daniel 9:27).

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone
Calvary Prophecy Report

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Home Page                                                                                 Updated June 25, 2010 



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