Calvary Prophecy Report

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Abbas Says He Supports an International Force for Palestinian Territories

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas says he has sent Israel a proposal for the deployment of international forces in the Palestinian territories as part of an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal.

In a rare interview with Israeli journalists Wednesday, Mr. Abbas said he would accept NATO or U.N. forces in a future Palestinian state to ensure security in the region. He said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had received the proposal through American mediators (

Palestinian Leader Mahmoud Abbas has sent a proposal that will allow international troops to deploy within the new Palestinian state.  For years, Israel has believed that relinquishing control of the West bank to Fatah, a moderate terrorist group, would turn the territory into a terrorist safe haven as was the case with the Gaza Strip back in 2005.  

If this plan meets the demands of the US, it would bring down heavy US pressure on Israel to agree to a peace deal.  Abbas further stated that the borders of the new state should be based on pre-1967 boundaries, but that he was willing to compromise on a one for one land trade.  If that were the case, few, if any, settlements would have to be dismantled.  

Recently, a poll was taken that asked Americans if they believed Jesus Christ would return to Earth by 2050?  Forty percent stated they believed He would.  Frankly, I believe it will be much sooner for several reasons.  One, many of the signs are already at center stage (rapture signs).  Two, water will soon become a life and death resource in the region and Israel controls most of the rights.  They also are a world leader in desalinated technology (sea water to fresh water).  Three, with Barack Obama as the current US president, who has little interest in maintaining a strong Israeli partnership, they will likely lose American protection and support before his term(s) is over.  And don't look for succeeding presidents to rekindle this globally unpopular relationship to its former status.  Four, this is the only generation that has not experienced the rise of a great evangelist who has called the world to repentance and salvation.  Billy Graham was the last worldwide evangelist to fill that position.  Without a great revival in the near future this world is headed for a deep dark apostasy. 

No, I don't believe this world will stand much longer in its present state, but I certainly wouldn't venture a guess as to when it will fall either.  I do know this, when the Lord does come, He will not tarry.

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone
Calvary Prophecy Report

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Home Page                                                                                 Updated July 02, 2010 



Israel Palestine peace, international troops palestine, middle east peace, Israel US relation, CIA Iran uranium two bombs, world cup flotilla gaza, signs of the rapture, what is the rapture