Calvary Prophecy Report

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Netanyahu: Direct talks soon

Following a described successful meeting with US President Barack Obama, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says he is ready to talk directly with Palestinian Leader Mahmoud Abbas.  He also noted that he was willing to make hard choices and concessions.  This all sounds good on camera, but if this is to be accomplished, Obama will need to drag Abbas into his office and hold him accountable to proceed to direct talks.   

President Obama stated during an interview that he felt now was definitely the time to seize this opportunity for peace. "We probably won't have a better opportunity than we have right now. And that has to be seized," Obama told Israeli television station Channel 2 (Reuters).

Most experts believe that peace will be the last event to take hold of the Middle East, but the fact is, the Bible says it will come. 

So what do I see happening over the next three months?  I believe we could be progressing toward direct talks.  Certainly, I expect both sides to walk away from the negotiation table, but in time, peace will come.  Most Middle East experts give talks that result in an agreement two years to be implemented.

On the subject as to whether or not a peace plan with borders was presented, I can only guess that both sides were represented.

Only time will show if this is just another false alarm. 

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone
Calvary Prophecy Report

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Home Page                                                                                 Updated July 08, 2010 



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