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Why Do Those Who Believe In A Pre-tribulation Rapture Insist On Believing That Jesus Will Come Back Three Times?

Why do those who believe in a pre-tribulation rapture insist that Christ will come back three times when the Scriptures are clear He will only have a first and second coming?  Where in the Bible does it say that He will return three times?

You're absolutely right...the Bible is clear that Jesus will only come to the earth two times.  Frankly, I don't know anyone who believes the Lord will come back three times.  Let's do the math on this one.  Jesus' first coming was when He was born into the world for the specific reason of dying for the sins of the world.  In doing so, He lived on the earth for thirty-three years.  His Second Coming will come at the conclusion of the tribulation period when He again will physically come back to the earth to destroy the nations at the Battle of Armageddon and rule and reign on the earth for one-thousand years.

Many confuse the pre-tribulation rapture as a coming of Christ, but this is simply not the case.  At no time does Jesus ever come to the earth physically to rapture the Saints.  When the rapture takes place, Christians, both alive and in the grave, will rise and meet the Lord in the air (I Thessalonians 4:13-18).  From that point on Christians will forever be with the Lord.  But that's not the end!  These same Christians will return to the earth with Christ at His Second Coming.  Again, the reason it is called His Second Coming is due to the fact that He will physically come to the earth and take up residence as He did at His first coming.

Terry Malone
Calvary Prophecy Report

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Home Page                                                                                 Updated July 25, 2010 



pre trib rapture lies misconception, Jesus Christ three comings, Jesus Christ third Coming, No third coming of Jesus Christ, false belief jesus christ three third coming