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Mahmoud Abbas preparing to hold direct talks with Israel, say diplomats

It is being reported by news sources that Palestinian Leader Mahmoud Abbas will be bowing to tremendous pressure from the US and is expected to sit down with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the coming weeks.  With mid-term elections around the corner, this comes at a time when US President Barack Obama is desperate for a foreign policy victory.

But few believe this face to face meeting will be fruitful unless the US and global community force both Israel and Palestine to accept difficult concessions.  This is what Time Magazine had to say about the positive and negative impact direct talks could have on President Obama:

Direct talks between Netanyahu and Abbas may simply clarify that the two-state solution to the conflict that Obama has made a cornerstone of his foreign policy is unlikely to be achieved unless the U.S. is willing - in conjunction with the wider international community - to put a deal on the table that neither side would willingly take if left to its own devices. Such an agreement would likely involve painful compromises for Israel on Jerusalem, borders and settlements, and painful compromises for the Palestinians on refugees. But the Administration's growing reluctance, in the face of domestic political criticism, to put pressure on the Israelis, may make an impasse in direct negotiations an uncomfortable moment for Obama. And if it becomes clear that negotiations are going nowhere, the prospects for confrontation on the ground are likely to grow (Time).

It's obvious that progress must be made soon, even if it is forced, if an explosive Middle East war is to be averted.  The Bible says, when the Antichrist comes on the scene, he will "confirm [make strong] the covenant with many for one week" (Daniel 9:27).  There's no question when this peace accord does happen it will incorporate many not just Israel and Palestine.  The question is will it be a forced peace accord?

Another journalist has come forward and reported that Gaza is not at all the prison the liberal international community and media would have you to believe. In fact, his report suggests just the opposite.

In stark contrast to regular Western media reports of widespread deprivation and destitution in Gaza, Ashraf Abu al-Houl reported that "a sense of absolute prosperity prevails, as manifested by the grand resorts along and near Gaza's coast."

Al-Houl also wrote that "the sight of the merchandise and luxuries filling Gaza shops amazed me." Not only that, but al-Houl quickly discovered that most goods can be bought in Gaza for much cheaper than in Egypt because in Gaza "supply is much greater than demand (Israel Today)."

In the last six months, courageous journalists from around the world are beginning to report the truth about Gaza.  Did I mention Ashraf is from Egypt?  

His report went on to say that there were no signs that Israel was the problem behind humanitarian goods or supplies reaching the Gaza population.  The real culprit behind Palestinian suffering appeared to be Hamas rule.

In other news, the US economic outlook looks to be bleak for the foreseeable future and could stretch well into 2011.  If this turns out to be the case, Obama will need a miracle if he is to be re-elected for a second term. Will his failure to lead the world out of this global economic crisis hasten the world to look to another leader?

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone
Calvary Prophecy Report

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Home Page                                                                                 Updated July 30, 2010 



middle east indirect to direct talks, US israel attack Iran within three (3) months, US Israel attack two (2) middle east countries, Middle East News