Calvary Prophecy Report

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Ex-CIAers to Obama: Israel Might Attack Iran This Month

A group of former CIA officials warns U.S. President Obama that Israel might attack Iran “even within a month,” and that Obama bears responsibility for having praised Netanyahu.

“We write to alert you to the likelihood that Israel will attack Iran as early as this month,” the open letter to Obama begins. “This would likely lead to a wider war (IsraelNationalNews).”

According to a group of former CIA officials, Israel is ready to attack Iran and it could be within the month. 

Israel has repeatedly assured Washington, if they do attack Iran, they would be the first to be contacted.  But the letter from VIPS warns President Obama not to rely on the word of Israeli officials.  “One would be well advised,” the VIPS letter states, “to greet with appropriate skepticism any private assurances Netanyahu may have given you that Israel would not surprise you with an attack on Iran (IsraelNationalNews).”

Palestinian Leader Mahmoud Abbas has disclosed his conditions for sitting down with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in direct talks.  Israel will have to agree that the goal going in will be to create a Palestinian state within pre-1967 borders.  They will also have to extend the West Bank building freeze.

I have to believe the US and international community will be exerting heavy pressure on Israel to meet these demands.    

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone
Calvary Prophecy Report

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Home Page                                                                                 Updated August 05, 2010 



middle east indirect to direct talks, israel attack Iran within month, Middle East News