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Direct talks in sight as US envoy sees Netanyahu

According to an upcoming article published in the journal Atlantic, there is more than a 50% chance that Israel will stage an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities before July of 2011. The author, Jeffrey Goldberg, interviewed forty former and present Israeli decision makers that stated they have lost faith in international sanctions. It is generally believed that Iran will be able to build a nuclear weapon within one to three years.

Defense Minister Ehud Barak told Goldberg that another of Israel's fears is that a nuclear Iran would force mass emigration of Israelis.

Goldberg said that not all of the officials he spoke with believed an attack on Iran was a viable option for Israel. He said that numerous sources told him that IDF Chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi doubts the usefulness of an Israeli strike on Iran ( .

Lebanese Defense Minister Elias Murr told the US government, if the one hundred million dollar military aid package cannot be used in a potential war against Israel, they would not accept it. 

US envoy George Mitchell is in Jerusalem today in an attempt to persuade both Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Leader Mahmoud Abbas to sit down to direct talks. In his meeting with Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister stated that he was on the same page with Mitchell and was ready to move to direct talks. Mitchell and Abbas have yet to agree on a timeline for direct talks. Abbas still insists that a number of pre-conditions be met first that include the Israeli recognition of the pre-1967 lines as the future borders of a Palestinian state.

US State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley believes the sides are getting closer and called Mitchell's meeting with Abbas “serious and positive".

"'Mitchell referred to a “defined timeline” and “agenda” for talks, according to Crowley, which is something else the Palestinians are seeking as a condition of direct negotiations ('"

The Bible says that the peace accord that Israel will eventually sign with the Antichrist will have a defined timeline (Daniel 9:27) of seven years.  

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone
Calvary Prophecy Report

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Home Page                                                                                 Updated August 11, 2010 



direct talks, pre-1967 borders, israel attack Iran before july 2011, defined timeline middle east talks, middle east indirect to direct talks, Middle East News