Calvary Prophecy Report

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Israel Set to Reject Quartet Demands for 'Peace in One Year'; EU backs quartet demand while US still undecided

Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is set to reject an invitation to direct talks with Palestinian Leader Mahmoud Abbas if preconditions are attached.  Abbas has insisted that Israel enter the direct talks with the goal that peace be established within one year.  

So far, the EU has endorsed this precondition with the US still undecided.  The quartet is also set to make an announcement demanding that Israel extend the building freeze during the one-year period for which negotiations will run.

A senior PA source told London-based newspaper Al Sharq al-Awsat that the direct negotiations are a certainty. The source said that Abbas has been under “unprecedented and very heavy pressure from the U.S. and other countries that demand that he sit down to negotiations with Israel even though Israel refuses to commit to anything in advance (”

This is shocking news! Not more than a few days ago the goal was for peace to be established within a 24 month timeframe from the start of direct talks. With the endorsement of the quartet and the EU, I have to believe the US may climb aboard. They will ultimately hold the deciding vote as to whether this plan will go forward, even if Israel initially rejects it. In time, they will be pressured to conform with the international community. I should also remind you that the Bible says there will be peace (Daniel 9:27) so it is coming.

According to reports, a new three ship flotilla will set sail for Gaza on September 18th.  The ships will start out in London, Casablanca (Morocco), and Doha (Qatar) and attempt to break Israel's naval blockade of Gaza.

According to Russia, Iran's nuclear program is for peaceful purposes.  As you may know, Russia has agreed to fuel Iran's Bushehr reactor by August 21st.  Former Bush administration U.N. Ambassador John R. Bolton believes that August 21st has now become the new deadline for when Israel must decide to destroy the reactor, and essentially, the rest of Iran's other nuclear facilities.

Once the fuel rods are loaded, Bolton told Fox News on Friday afternoon, "it makes it essentially immune from attack by Israel. Because once the rods are in the reactor an attack on the reactor risks spreading radiation in the air, and perhaps into the water of the Persian Gulf ("

This announcement brings two critical issues to light. One, Israel is faced with a major decision, whether or not to destroy a critical piece of Iran's nuclear program in the next eight days, and two, the validity of the close relationship between the US and Russia that US President Barack Obama has been touting.

Although, the Arab League is looking for US and European support for a motion that would attempt to end Israel's nuclear secrecy, in light of Iran's future plans, I don't see it yielding much success.  Soon, Iran will become a nuclear power, and I suspect they will take a page out of Israel's playbook of nuclear ambiguity.

In other news, South Korea and the US have begun their massive joint war games despite warnings from North Korea.  North Korea has gone on record to say that they would not tolerate such a move and "the military counteraction of (North Korea) will be the severest punishment no one has ever met in the world" (

This will serve to be a very dangerous move for South Korea in the future.  When the world war described in Revelation chapter six does commence, you can expect North and South Korea to be major participants.

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone
Calvary Prophecy Report

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Home Page                                                                                 Updated August 16, 2010 



Netanyahu offers 90% west bank, direct talks, pre-1967 borders, israel attack Iran before july 2011, defined timeline middle east talks, middle east indirect to direct talks, Middle East News