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Iran will bomb Israel, warns former Revolutionary Guard

Ali Asghar Soltanieh, Tehran’s ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), has said Iran will never make a “strategic mistake” to build nuclear weapons.

“Tehran can not compete in terms of the numbers of warheads possessed by the nuclear-armed major powers, so if it seeks to produce nuclear weapons, it will be placed in a disadvantageous position compared with these countries,” Soltanieh told a conference at the IAEA headquarters in Vienna on Monday.

So Iran will not make such a “strategic mistake”, he stated.

Iran is as powerful as these countries without possession of nuclear weapons, the diplomat asserted (Tehran Times).

But according to Israeli military intelligence, a completely different story is being played out.

Iran is busy setting up two new nuclear installations, according to the head of Military Intelligence, Major General Amos Yadlin. Speaking before the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, Yadlin said that MI has indications that work has began on the installations, but did not comment on the sources.

Yadlin also told the MKs that Iran has sufficient enriched uranium to manufacture a single nuclear device and may soon have enough for making another bomb (

A former member of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, the elite military force that keeps the regime in power, has warned that if Iran succeeds in building nuclear weapons, its leaders will not hesitate to use them against Israel, the Persian Gulf states and even Europe.

Speaking to Israel National Radio, the man explained that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the nation’s spiritual dictators are committed to ushering in the chaos and havoc called for in the last hadith (Islamic commentaries on Mohammed’s teachings and actions). Out of that chaos, the hadith teaches that the Imam Mahdi, an Islamic messianic figure, will emerge.

The man, who spoke from an undisclosed location and used a phony name to protect himself and his family, said that many Iranians like him had become totally disillusioned with their nation’s Islamic regime, and would welcome the help of Israel or any other nation in overthrowing it (Israel Today).

Truthfully, I do not believe that Israel will attack Iran's nuclear weapons facilities. In fact, it is more likely that they will rely upon the US and its NATO allies to put down any immediate attack Iran may be contemplating. Most Bible prophecy commentators believe that Israel will sign a peace agreement, and within the agreement, will rely on the military power of the Antichrist to protect them from their enemies.

This, I believe, is consistent with what the Bible says will be peace first (first seal; Revelation 6:2) followed by a horrific world war (second-fourth seal; Revelation 6:3-8) that will claim the lives of 25% of the population.  It is within this war that the battle of Gog and Magog will likely take place. Whether it will be the spark that ignites the rest of the world into war is unknown, but I have a hard time believing that a battle that will claim the lives of 83% of this massive army (Ezekiel 39:2) will be a separate war.

This massive world war will bring order under the power of the Antichrist. It is at this time that I believe Israel will be allowed to rebuild their Temple. The peace treaty will be (re) confirmed by force, but at the midway point, the Antichrist will break the covenant with Israel and desecrated Temple. 

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone
Calvary Prophecy Report

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Home Page                                                                                                        Updated November 3, 2010



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