Calvary Prophecy Report

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Israel plans 1,300 settler homes; Impossible to return to talks with current Israeli gov't

ISRAEL HAS ANNOUNCED plans to push ahead with the construction of 1,300 new homes for Jewish settlers in the disputed area of East Jerusalem, despite fierce opposition from Palestinians.

The plans have just been made public, which means that they will need to pass through another stage before construction begins, Euronews reports. Israel’s Interior Ministry has said that construction may not begin for several years, however the Palestinian Authority says that the move shows there is no real commitment to the peace process (

Israel's plan to build new homes on occupied land should be countered by international recognition of a Palestinian state, the chief Palestinian negotiator said on Tuesday.

Raising the stakes in deadlocked U.S.-sponsored peace talks, Saeb Erekat said it was clear from the latest announcement of building plans that Israel wants settlements, not peace.

"Israeli unilateralism is a call for immediate international recognition of the Palestinian state," he said in a statement.

The world paid little attention when the late Yasser Arafat declared a Palestinian state in 1988. But political winds have shifted and Israel today is seriously concerned that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas might win recognition (

This recent announcement that Israel is planning to build an additional 1300 new homes in East Jerusalem over the next few years will likely anger the international community and they may call for the recognition of a Palestinian state.  Although, the Palestinians are in a better position than they were two decades ago, it's unlikely world recognition without the blessing of the United States would stick. But Israel can't necessarily count on the US coming to their aid this time around. US President Barack Obama is considerably more pro-Islamic than previous administrations.

Frankly, I believe Israel and the Palestinians will come back to the table at some point before it comes down to a unilaterally announced UN recognition.  It would not be in Israel's best interest to allow the world to determine their borders.

There are two events that seem to demand attention within a years time. One, the prevention of Iran obtaining nuclear weapons. Some believe they have already reached this milestone. Two, the creation of a Palestinian state within the framework of peace negotiations. Whether or not we are within grasp of obtaining these elusive goals is unknown. We do know the Bible is clear that the tribulation period will begin with the signing of a peace accord between Antichrist, Israel, and many (Daniel 9:27, Revelation 6:1-2). Then this time of peace will be cut short by a world war that will claim the lives of 25% of the world's population (Revelation 6:3-8).

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone
Calvary Prophecy Report

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Home Page                                                                                                        Updated November 09, 2010



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