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Israel says US has provided a written guarantee

Israeli officials have confirmed that the US has given Israel a written guarantee that this will be the last time they will pressure them into any additional settlement freezes.

This proposal opens the door for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to win approval for an additional 90 day construction freeze in West Bank settlements, but it does not include East Jerusalem… At least not officially.  Meaning, US officials have stressed that they would have to stop construction unofficially in East Jerusalem. 

Palestinian leaders say that they have not seen the proposal, but PA Leader Mahmoud Abbas has stated, without a freeze in East Jerusalem, the Palestinians could not return to direct talks.

Netanyahu will get with his security cabinet on Sunday to discuss the US Deal.  Although Israel will still be receiving 20 additional F-35 stealth warplanes, under the written understanding, they will now be purchased.

This is good news for the Obama administration but could quickly fall into a snag without the inclusion of East Jerusalem in the proposal. I look for the Palestinians to use this objection to reject this proposal out of hand.  If the Palestinians do succumb to Western pressure, will this all or nothing new round of direct peace talks finally create a Palestinian state?

There is also another option! The direct peace talks could come and go with little to no success during the extended 90 day construction freeze. With the given agreement, it would essentially make the United States irrelevant once the freeze is over.  With no US leverage,  the Palestinians would have to agree to continue talks without a settlement freeze. I don't see that happening.

Could that leave the door open for another major power to step in and take over direct peace talks where the United States has left off?  I certainly wouldn't rule that possibility out.

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone
Calvary Prophecy Report

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Home Page                                                                                                        Updated November 20, 2010



Israel US written guarantee, Israel palestine current events news november 2010, bible prophecy news current events november 2010, bible prophecy hizballah, hezbollah, bible prophecy arrow iii