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Abbas now asking for Netanyahu to adhere to his and Olmert's understanding; Jerusalem not to be divided

PA President Mahmoud Abbas revealed that he had reached an understanding with former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert that Jerusalem would not be divided, Israel Radio reported on Saturday.

According to an interview with Abbas on Al-Jazeera TV on Friday, an understanding was reached regarding the borders of a Palestinian state, which would be based upon 1967 borders with minor adjustments and land exchange areas, and would include third party representatives stationed within the new founded state.

The report also stated that the agreement maintained that Jerusalem would remain open to all religions and would consist of two municipalities working side by side.  Abbas did not discuss the issue of sovereignty over the Temple Mount.

Abbas called on Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to agree to his predecessor's understanding, which he emphasized could be the basis for renewing negotiations, the report stated.

However, Abbas warned that a continued collapse of the peace process could lead to dangerous consequences for Israel, which could lead to a popular uprising rather than a military confrontation (

This is a drastic turnaround from a Palestinian negotiating team that walked away from direct talks due to Israel's stoppage of a building freeze in both the West Bank and East Jerusalem back in September of 2010.

If this report is correct, Abbas is no longer asking for Jerusalem to be divided in order for direct talks to continue.  

Here's what a May 2009 report said Olmert offered and Abbas recalls:

Olmert says he offered Abbas 93.5 to 93.7 percent of the West Bank, along with 5.8 percent in land swaps and a Gaza-West Bank safe passage corridor. Abbas recalls the offer as 97 percent. Both agree that Israel agreed to accept a small number of Palestinian refugees, with Olmert adding that he rejected the right of return and offered limited return to Israel as a "humanitarian gesture". Olmert also offered to, in effect, internationalize the Jerusalem Holy Basin. Olmert's interviewer reports that Palestinian chief negotiator Saeb Erekat "confirmed that Olmert had made the offer (

Abbas is actually calling on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to agree to Olmert's understanding as a basis for renewing direct talks. He also stated that even though the world wants a Palestinian state, he would not unilaterally declare one. The Palestinians are looking to have a state created by August of 2011.

Even though it seems from this Jerusalem Post report that Abbas is no longer making Jerusalem a sticking point to peace, the Bible says it will remain as such on into the tribulation period (Zechariah 12:3). I do look for an international presence to monitor the new Palestinian state when it is created, but you can expect it to be no more effective than it was in southern Lebanon.

In other related news, Hezbollah received a voter confidence from an influential leader of the Druse sect, Walid Jumblatt.  He said he was under tremendous pressure to back former Lebanese prime minister Omar Karami over present Prime Minister Saad Hariri.

Also, according to Foreign Policy magazine, both Jordan and Egypt are ripe for a Tunisia style takeover and could be next in line for a revolt. If you look at today's headlines, Protesters demand Jordan's government step down, you can see this prediction may not be that far-fetched.  If Lebanon falls to Hezbollah, and Jordan and Egypt were to fall to a popular uprising, all peace treaties would be off the table (Jordan and Egypt) and Israel would be completely surrounded by their enemies.

Terry Malone
Calvary Prophecy Report

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Home Page                                                                                 Updated January 22, 2011 



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