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Is EU On Verge Of Taking Over ME Peace Talks?; Is Recognition Of Israel As Jewish State Next UN Vote?

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas can be satisfied with his decision to ignore international pressure and proceed with an official request to the United Nations' Security Council for recognition of a Palestinian state. Even though in Israel it appears that the Palestinians will suffer a blow in their diplomatic struggle at the UN, Abbas' decision to act against the wishes of U.S. President Barack Obama has given him plenty of support among the Palestinian public.

With his speech on Friday before the General Assembly of the United Nations, aired on all Arab television networks, and also on international stations, Abbas became overnight not just a Palestinian but an Arab leader of significant standing. In an era in which veteran Arab leaders are departing from the Middle Eastern scene one after the other, and while others (like Hassan Nasrallah of Hezbollah and Khaled Meshal of Hamas ) are suspected of serving as agents of Iran, the 76-year-old Abbas has emerged as a new breed of Arab leader (

Spain’s Foreign Minister Trinidad Jimenez presented a new policy for the Palestinian-Israeli conflict on Saturday, declaring Israel as the homeland of the Jews for the first time and saying that the issue of Palestinian refugees should be solved in such a way that it does not compromise Israel’s current demographic makeup of a Jewish majority.

Jimenez’s speech before the United Nations General Assembly is particularly dramatic in light of the fact that Spain is considered the leading EU country to support Palestinian rights. Adopting such a pro-Israel stance may lead to other countries to follow suit (

This is an angle many have probably not accounted for...the declared recognition by other nations that Israel be deemed a Jewish state.  This is a major declaration that I don't believe the Palestinians counted on either.  If the international community rises up and declares Israel a Jewish state that would force the Palestinian to accept it as reality.  However, it is unlikely given their anti-Semitic membership that the UN would bring this to an official vote, but anything is possible. But is it possible this could become an issue that the Palestinians will have to accept

The US may be on its way out as lead negotiator in future Palestinian-Israeli talks.  Right now, the Islamic world has completely lost faith in the US to lead talks and bring peace.  They are calling on the Europeans to step forward and take the lead role.  I suspect we are not that far away from this very prophecy coming to pass. Many Bible prophecy experts believe the European Union (revived Roman Empire) will eventually take the lead role.  It is through this block of nations that the Antichrist will likely emerge (Daniel 9:27).

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Terry Malone
Calvary Prophecy Report

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Home                                                                                 Updated September 25, 2011 



UN recognition Israel Jewish state, EU middle east peace talks, bible prophecy eu antichrist, Palestine letter UN bid, UN vote palestine sept 2011UN vote september 21, Palestine UN vote Sept. 21, Prophecy UN Vote Sept 21, Psalm 83 war, Arab Winter 2011, prophecy Arab Winter 2011, Psalm 83 war 2011