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Psalm 83 War, Destruction Of Damascus, The Peace With Many & Sudden Destruction


I have a question re: your last video.

We know Israel will think they are at peace, with their walls down, when the Ez 38 War happens. 

Is it possible that Isaiah 17 is very close now, and “ if” the destruction of Damascus results in a possible Ps. 83 War…. to the best of your knowledge, would Ez 38 happen when Israel enters into the covenant with many, and has a false sense of security?

I know some believe the Ps 83 War happened already in the past.  I do not know…but it seems like there might not be much time elapsing between Isaiah 17 and Ez 38…Some scholars believe the rapture happens well before Ez 38 as that is a time of God’s wrath and we are not appointed to His wrath.

I don’t see how Ez 38 can happen now because Israel is not dwelling securely.

Thank you so much for helping me to understand this better.

Blessings to you always!!!


Psalm 83 as described in that chapter happened 2500 years ago.  It's simply not prophetic.  All prophesied wars in the Bible, bar none, have an ending included.  Meaning, they tell you what will be the final result.  Case in point, Isaiah 17:1.  It clearly tells us that Damascus will be destroyed (ruinous heap) and never be inhabited again.  Psalm 83 is simply a prayer that gives no results.  People have elected it to be a prophesied war and added that Israel won that war or will win it in the future.  Specific scripture does not say in Psalm 83 that Israel won that war like all prophetic scriptures do.  That is a requirement to be prophetic.  You are not allowed to fill in the missing information as proponents of the Psalm 83 war have.  Prophecy is just that...prophecy that tells you about the future and their results.  Yes, Israel's immediate neighbors may one day attack them.  But all future prophesied wars in the Bible have an end result described.

Is the destruction of Damascus soon?  I would say it is and this war will likely take place during the tribulation period along with the Gog & Magog war.  Frankly, I see a peace with many first, then war will break out.  I'm not sure what will cause it but many would say oil and natural gas.

Frankly, I look for the rapture of the church to happen before any of these wars take place, but no one knows the real timing of these events.

Is Israel dwelling safely?  For the most part yes, but it's most likely this peace with many will make it so.  I foresee most likely a peace agreement that will allow Russia, Turkey, and Iran to stay in Syria as long as Russia controls Iran. Russia will be responsible for maintaining the peace on its end.  The US for its part will guarantee the peace between Israel and the Palestinians, and the moderate Arab world will normalize relations with Israel.  Then war will break out as described in Revelation chapter 6.  It is likely that the Gog & Magog War will ignite a greater world war that will destroy Damascus.  This war will likely engulf the whole world, but it's possible the world war described in Revelation 6:3-8 may come later in the tribulation period.  The Bible says that one-quarter of the world's population will be killed during the world war.  It is my belief that whoever wins that war will rule the world.

Lastly, we are not appointed to wrath because the purpose of the tribulation period is to save people.  As many as will choose to be saved.  Part of His salvation plan will enlist the use of wrath, but most will not repent as clearly stated in the Bible (Revelation13:8; II Thessalonians 2:10).  They will then turn to their messiah the antichrist.

Thanks for your question.

Terry Malone

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February 12, 2018 

Is Psalm 83 an end times prophecy?, Psalm 83 war, Psalms 83 war, information of Psalm 83 war, is psalm 83 a prayer prophecy?