Amato Calls For Strong President To Lead EU, Key Role For Commission

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August 5th, 2002

Giuliano Amato, vice chairman of the EU's constitutional convention, has called for a powerful president to take the helm of the EU, the Financial Times reported.

However, the former Italian prime minister differed from France, Spain and the UK, who also want a strong EU president, in also backing an important role for the European Commission, the FT said.

Amato said that when EU government ministers are discussing policy, rather than legislating, their meetings should be chaired by a commissioner.

Under his scenario, the future roles of national governments and the commission would be analogous with those of the French president and prime minister, respectively. The former is responsible for foreign affairs and defence, while the latter has day-to-day responsibility for governing.

Amato, like France, Spain and the UK, called for an end to the existing system of rotating six-month EU presidencies, which would be replaced with a senior politician who would serve for a renewable term of around two-and-a-half years.

He said the EU needs a president "who remains long enough not to change the priorities every six months".

Small countries have expressed concern that such a post would automatically go to candidates from the larger member states. He said they should rethink their objections.

"Whenever there is an election, it is much easier to find agreement on somebody from a smaller country," he said.

The convention, headed by former French president Valery Giscard D'Estaing, will meet until early next year. END

This is a major Biblical announcement (July 8, 2002) . It is believed by most fundamental Bible believing prophecy experts and pastors, that the antichrist will head up the European Union. Could this dynamic leader they are seeking be the prophesied antichrist? It is my strong belief that it will. Soon a man of great leadership will emerge onto the scene and take the world by surprise. Will Christians be here to see him take control? I don't believe Christians will see the man of sin in his power. We may see the beginning stages of his reign, but only those with divine wisdom will recognize who he is. At this point, it would only be a guess as to who it might be. They also say that they would like to have this leader in power between the years 2004-06. I believe it will take a number of years to set the stage before his peace plan will be implemented. But the way things are going in the Middle East, one has to wonder how much longer before an all out war breaks out.

Speaking of which, in other news, there was another homicide bombing in Northern Israel on Monday. Apparently, the only death was that of the bomber as it prematurely denoted.

Israeli officials have banned all travel in and out of the West Bank and Gaza.

Pastor Malone

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