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May 4, 2003
Today, many Christians are straddling the spiritual fence questioning their salvation, indulging in sin that at one time they knew was wrong, and others have just flat turned away from God living in the world.
This is satan’s ultimate goal. If he can deceive you, he knows he can confuse you. If he can confuse you, he knows he can get you out of the will of God, and he knows that once you are out of the will of God fellowship is broken. At this point, he has you right where he wants you. From there, he will continue to confuse and lie to you engraining you deeper and deeper in sin until he renders you useless to God or destroys you. He (satan) is seeking to destroy whoever will listen (I Peter 5:8). It’s unfortunate, but many who are reading this article are in that very situation or are teetering on compromise. This will only lead to a future defeat that you cannot handle.
So as a Christian how do I keep from being deceived? Get into the Word of God and know it well. Take a lesson from the Lord Himself. When tempted by satan, He did not debate with him, but only answered “for it is written” from the Word of God. But if you don’t know the Word, you will be that much easier to deceive. Being a moral and nice person that watches the Christian channel isn’t enough.
Next, you must have a daily active prayer life (I Thessalonians 5:17). Get into the habit of coming daily and as often as possible before the Lord. Talk to Him and ask Him to reveal things in His Word to you. Be quiet and listen to what He may have to say to you. Ask the Lord for wisdom in all situations (James 1:5).
Lastly, get in church and stay in church every time the doors of your church are open (Hebrews 10:25). God has commanded us to be apart of a local congregation of Christians. Now I realize that for some it is impossible to get out to a church due to physical or health problems, but for the majority that’s not the case.
Of course, there are many other things that I could mention, but once you start seeking the Lord and allowing Him to guide you, He will make them abundantly clear. The Lord has always given wisdom when asked and made things clear in His time. If you noticed, I said in His time. Too many Christians get in trouble when they take things into their own hands and make decisions on their own. If God didn’t want us to wait on Him He wouldn’t have given the command (Psalm 27:14; 37:34; Proverbs 3:5-7).
You may be here today as a Christian, but at this moment, far from God. You may be wondering if it is possible to make a new start. I’m here to tell you yes it is! You are never more than a prayer away from God. He’s waiting to hear from you. Will you pray with me…
Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I thank you for my salvation through Christ. But Father, I know I am very far away from you at this time and have fallen astray from your will for my life. I ask that you forgive me (name any specific sins that may come to mind) of the sins that have broken our fellowship. Father, I ask that you put me back on the path that I have strayed from and restore the joy of my salvation. I thank you for your forgiveness and your everlasting love. Amen.
There may be those reading this that have never accepted the Lord as their Savior. You can’t use the advice given above until this happens, but worse than that, you are on your way to a burning hell. If this is your state and you would like to invite the Lord into your life please pray this prayer:
Father, I know that I am a sinner and cannot obtain salvation in and of myself. I come to you in the name of Jesus asking that you forgive me of my sins (name them), and to cleanse me from all unrighteousness and guilt. I trust and believe that Jesus died and rose again to pay the penalty for my sin. I accept this free gift of salvation, repent of my sins, and from this day forward, turn my life completely over to You. I thank you and praise you God for giving me a new life in Christ. Amen.
If you prayed this prayer, share your decision with a Christian friend or pastor. If you are not already attending church, find one in which you can worship and grow in your faith. Following Christ's example, ask to be baptized as a public expression of your faith.
I hope this article will help you in your future Christian walk.