Verheugen: A Single Market From Jerusalem To Oslo

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June 27, 2003

EU/US To Use All Means Against Weapons Proliferation

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - During a bilateral summit in Washington on Wednesday (25 June) the EU and US agreed "to use all means available to avert WMD [Weapons of Mass destruction] proliferation and the calamities that would follow".

In remarkably strong language for the EU, the declaration did not rule out the use of force or the imposition of wide-ranging sanctions on regimes that do not comply with international weapons treaties.

"When Europe and United States are united no problem and no enemy can stand against us," said Romano Prodi, the president of the European Commission.

In the firing line for now are North Korea and Iran.

Verheugen: A Single Market From Jerusalem To Oslo

Günter Verheugen, EU Enlargement Commissioner, is already looking well beyond next year's intake of ten new states.

"A billion consumers in a huge economic area from Oslo to Jerusalem", he is quoted as saying by Austria's Die Presse.

However, this would be a different type of relationship with the EU - where future states do not necessarily become full members.

Speaking after a Central European conference in Vienna on Monday, Mr Verheugen said "I can imagine that Israel will one day have the same internal market status as Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein".

After Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia join the EU, and eventually the Western Balkans, new "neighbourhood" agreements will be the format for countries bordering the EU.

Mideast Truce Looks More Likely

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip  — Islamic militants have accepted a proposal to halt attacks on Israelis for three months, a senior militia official said Friday, providing the first confirmation from the militants that agreement has been reached.


Have you noticed that the E.U. is showing a considerable amount of interest in Israel becoming a member or at least making a "neighborhood agreement" with them?  

Be sure to read the above article entitled Verheugen: A Single Market From Jerusalem To Oslo.  Also, go back and read Berlusconi To Sharon – “Israel’s Natural Place Is In The EU”.  These two articles should bring up a red flag to prophecy watchers.  Another alarming red flag is that Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, set become the new E.U. Prime Minister in July, is making some of these statements.  Is it a coincidence that a Roman ruler, who could become the future permanent E.U. prime minister, is such a staunch supporter of Israeli inclusion (Daniel 9:27)?

The E.U. and U.S. are coming together to form a military partnership.  Romano Prodi, the president of the European Commission, stated, "When Europe and United States are united no problem and no enemy can stand against us."  This I believe is the beginning of a devastating partnership that is described in Revelation 17.  If you are a regular reader you know that I believe the U.S. is Mystery Babylon and will rule the world in the last days.  The E.U. will be the beast with ten horns doing the bidding of the U.S. until the day they turn on her and destroy her completely.

Negotiators have come to an agreement with Islamic militants who have agreed to halt attacks on Israel for three months.  This is a joke and should not be taken seriously.  They have no interest in seeing peace talks with Israel go forward unless it will ultimately bring about their demise.  I'm not sure what they're up to but you can bet it has everything to do with the elimination of Israel once and for all.

I hope I was able to help you.

Pastor Malone

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