Where I Believe The Future Of The U.S., E.U. Relationship Will Lead

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October 16, 2003

Row Erupts As US Presses EU Over Defence Plans
The US ambassador to NATO has sparked a diplomatic row by warning that the European Union is threatening the future of the military alliance by proposing its own defence initiatives, diplomats said Thursday.

And Washington is seeking clarification from its European partners at a special meeting next week, NATO sources said.

"What the US wants is to ask the EU what is happening," said a NATO source, confirming that the ambassadors from NATO's decision-making body will meet on Monday to prepare for a formal NATO-EU diplomatic gathering on Tuesday.

N. Korea to 'Display Nuclear Arms'...
SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea (news - web sites) said Thursday it would display a "nuclear deterrent" at an appropriate time to end debate over its nuclear status if the United States delayed a solution to an impasse over Pyongyang's atomic ambitions.

In comments published in English by the official KCNA news agency, a North Korean Foreign Ministry spokesman also criticized calls for a fresh round of six-way nuclear talks, saying such discussions were meaningless unless Washington dropped its hostility toward Pyongyang.

Egypt Expands Its Navy
CAIRO [MENL] -- Egypt has significantly expanded its navy.

Egyptian officials said the navy expansion began over the last year and included nearly a dozen new units. They said the navy has obtained a series of U.S.- and German-origin platforms and missiles that have been introduced into service.

Details of the naval expansion were released on Wednesday during Naval Forces Day, meant to commemorate the 1973 Arab-Israeli war. Egyptian naval commander Vice Adm. Tamr Abdul Alim said his service has undergone a rapid expansion.

I don't know when the E.U. will finally establish itself as a world military power, but they are dead set on heading that way.  I must say, it didn't take long for them to become the world's second most powerful economy.  But I see their rise to military prominence as a very subtle and secretive approach.  The U.S. will regard them as a close and trusted ally, and they will be for many years, but when the antichrist takes control they will be dealing with the devil.  

He will secretly turn the E.U. into a supernatural power that no earthly kingdom can defeat.  That's not to say that they will develop a military destiny.  Let's face it, there is no earthly kingdom that can stand against satan.  One thing many overlook is that God has His hand on this nation and will not allow anything to happen that isn't in His will.  But God will allow this attack to happen and it will be devastating.  In fact, the Bible says that He will put it in their heart to destroy them (Revelation 17:16-18).  God won't just remove a hedge (as He did with Job) He will bless their efforts. "For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will (v. 17)".  

You can have the most sophisticated technology the world has ever known, but if satan is allowed to manipulate it, it will be no match.  This will literally be a supernatural defeat that will shock the world!  The Bible says that this defeat will be so final that no one will ever inhabit the land again (Revelation 18:21-24) ever! 

The U.S. will be the most powerful nation of its day, but when God takes His hand of protection off of it, they will be as vulnerable as a newborn baby in a hungry lion's den.  "And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. (Revelation 17:16)"

I believe this generation we live in will see this happen.  My question to you is do you know the Lord?

Pastor Malone

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