Paper: Pakistan, Saudi Arabia In Secret Nuke Pact

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October 21, 2003

Paper: Pakistan, Saudi Arabia In Secret Nuke Pact...
Pakistan, which is estimated to have between 35 and 60 nuclear weapons, said this was a straight purchase for cash and strongly denied a nuclear quid pro quo.

"It will be vehemently denied by both countries," said the Pakistani source, whose information has proven reliable for more than a decade, "but future events will confirm that Pakistan has agreed to provide [Saudi Arabia] with the wherewithal for a nuclear deterrent."

Pakistan, meanwhile, is concerned about a recent arms agreement between India, its nuclear archrival, and Israel, a longtime nuclear power whose inventory is estimated at between 200 and 400 weapons.

This is one more of Israel's enemies that will have nuclear weapons very soon.  It won't be long before the whole Middle East will be locked on Israel.  When Israel is attacked, I can't envision it not turning nuclear for both sides.  But Israel will walk away with very few casualties, if any, and the invading armies will suffer major loses. 

I can't imagine Israel being oblivious to an attack of this magnitude.  They have one of the most sophisticated surveillance systems in the world.  A military buildup of this magnitude would be detected.  That is the challenge of this war and the passages (Ezekiel 38 & 39) that speak about it. Will Israel see it coming and brace for the worst or will they be completely caught off guard?

My feeling is that they will see it coming, get ready to unleash their nuclear payload, and brace for the worst.  But just before the attack and retaliation God will intervene with a great delivery of Israel.  If the Russian's and Arab's do attack all their bombs will malfunction or turn on them.  Israel's bombs, on the other hand, will strike with one hundred percent accuracy and destroy the invaders.  Eighty-three percent of the invading army will die.  

One may ask, where is the U.S. in all this?  By this time, the U.S. will be entangled in other peacekeeping operations and stretched way to thin to involve themselves in a war of this magnitude. Besides, at this time, Israel will be under the care of the E.U. (E.U. member).  Also, I think the next U.S. administration will think twice about getting into any other conflicts.

The outcome of this war will be orchestrated by God and designed to destroy Israel's enemies.  But the Bible also states that it will shock the world and they will give glory to God over this miraculous victory.

Pastor Malone

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