The EU Needs "Good Laws And Good Armies"

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October 29, 2003

The EU Needs "Good Laws And Good Armies"
EUOBSERVER / LONDON - The European Union must step up efforts to spread its version of law and order around the world if it is to avoid a September 11 of its own, says a top adviser to Javier Solana, the EU's foreign policy chief.

In a tribute to sixteenth-century Italian philosopher Niccolò Machiavelli, Robert Cooper, formerly chief foreign policy adviser to Tony Blair, said that "good laws and good armies" are the best weapons with which to defeat tyranny in the world. He explained by saying that laws are meaningless unless they can be enforced.

Syrian FM Threatens Israel
Syrian Foreign Minister Farouk a-Shara says that his country might attack Jewish communities in the Golan if Israel attacks Syria again.

Syrian Foreign Minister Farouk a-Shara says that his country might attack Jewish communities in the Golan if Israel attacks Syria again. Though Syria has long trained Palestinian terrorists, the first time in some 30 years that Israel attacked a Syrian target was three weeks ago, following a mass terror attack in Haifa in which 21 people were killed.


The E.U. is looking for every reason under the sun for why they need a strong military outside of NATO.  The U.S. is a little worried for good reason.  Their latest excuse is to help enforce terrorism laws.  They foresee a time when they will be acting as a global force against terrorism.  Read this article, it is just another step toward building their empire.

Syria is threatening Israel again and they mean it.  I'm not saying that they'll be attacking Israel in the near future, but I certainly won't rule it out.

U.S. satellite photos have confirmed that the large Iraqi caravan that crossed over into Syria, days before the U.S. invasion, was carrying weapons of mass destruction and materials to make more weapons.  This could be unleashed on Israel in the future.  This also confirms what most of the world knew already, even though they refuse to admit it, that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.  

Pastor Malone

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