France, Germany & Britain Seek To Lead E.U.

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January  24, 2004

Bush Has Little Hope For Palestinian State In 2004
WASHINGTON [MENL] -- The Bush administration has little hope that an interim Palestinian state will be established in 2004.

Officials said President George Bush and his top aides were said to have concluded that the prospect of a dramatic breakthrough that would lead to an agreement for an interim Palestinian state in the Gaza Strip and most of the West Bank appears unlikely in 2004. They said the administration envisions a continuing cycle of Israeli-Palestinian violence fueled by Iran and Hizbullah that will rule out virtually any diplomatic gain.

Paris, Berlin And London Seek To Be Driving Force Behind Enlarged EU
22/01/2004 With less than four months to go before the European Union's historic enlargement to the east, France, Germany and Britain are working to ensure that they are behind the wheel of the new 25-nation bloc despite concerns from their partners.

Israel Unveils Anti-suicide Bomb System
TEL AVIV [MENL] -- Israel has unveiled a low-technology system meant to ensure quick response to attempts by suicide bombers to enter buses and other public facilities.

The system, produced by the state-owned Israel Military Industries, does not contain the ability to detect explosives or a suicide bomber. Instead, the system allows a bus driver to quickly prevent a suspicious passenger from boarding or a security guard to block an attacker from entering a facility.

Paris, Berlin and London look to be calling the shots in the new Europe, but not everyone is happy about their self-proclaimed leadership role.  Could these three nations be those who will end up being subdued by the antichrist in the last days (Daniel 7:24)?

According to sources, the Bush Administration has little hope of ushering in a Palestinian state before the end of this year.  Of course, many believe that the establishment of a Palestinian state is another big step toward the nearing return of Christ.  I have to agree!  A Palestinian state is inevitable and its creation will be soon in my estimation.  But that doesn't necessarily mean it will be a smooth transition.  It maybe necessary for a U.N. peacekeeping team to come in and help get things headed in the right direction. 

Lately, I have been getting emails from readers who have been pointing out who they believe could be the antichrist.  Many have suggested some good candidates, but you must remember, great leaders can be born in a day.  As horrible as 9/11 was it propelled a newly elected American president into a global superstar practically overnight.  

Many believe that the antichrist will rise out of complete obscurity as a virtual unknown.  That's possible, but I highly doubt it.  He may or may not turn out to be a world leader of note at this moment, but I do believe he is poised at some governmental level ready to ascend as the god of this world in our generation.  There is a plan and a timetable that God has prepared and it will not be one second late.  

Look for a Palestinian state to be established and an attack on Israel to follow.  If I were to speculate I would say this will happen about mid 2005 with an attack occurring six months to a year later. Christians may or may not be here when this battle takes place.  But again the rapture could happen at any moment. 

Pastor Malone  


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