Ukraine Scientists Deny Nuke Sale To Al-Qaida

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February 11, 2004

Ukraine Tries To Deflect Nuclear Allegations
Kiev is fighting highly damaging allegations that its scientists supplied nuclear weapons to Al-Qaida.

Earthquake Cracks Knesset
Jerusalem ( - An earthquake measuring 5.0 on the Richter scale rocked Israel and surrounding states Wednesday morning, sending frightened people streaming into streets throughout the country, but causing only one indirect injury and little damage.

Israel Radio reported the quake left a crack in the ceiling of the Knesset plenum, Israel's parliament, just minutes before lawmakers were scheduled to take their seats for the day's debates.

France, Germany And Spain Fail To Make Headway On EU Constiution
10/02/2004 France, Germany and Spain failed to make progress on resolving differences that have blocked the adoption of an EU constitution at a meeting of their foreign ministers Tuesday, diplomats said.

Boycott of MTV advertisers pushed
New Site Has 50,000 Signed Up For Effort After Just 14 Hours

At Least 44 Dead From Suicide Attack At Army Recruiting Center

Missing Russian May Have Been in Hiding

Yesterday, I brought you the story about Al-Qaida buying nuclear devices (suitcase nuclear bombs) from Ukrainian scientists.  Today they were firing back denying the allegations as preposterous. 

I don't know whose telling the truth, but I tend to lean toward the news service that broke the story.  Actually this was a story long overdue.  I've been looking for something like this to happen for years.  It still has to be confirmed, but what shocks me  the most is I have not seen any of the major news web sites addressing this story.  Maybe they’re waiting to see a little more evidence before they commit it to print.

Whether it's true or not I am convinced that we will eventually see the terror of a nuclear (suitcase) bomb detonated on American soil.  Personally, I believe it's only by the grace of God that Al-Qaida or some other terrorist group hasn't already accomplished it.  Some of you may disagree with me, and that's fine, but God may have allowed 9/11 to occur to open up our eyes and put us on alert to a much greater danger...nuclear weapons.  Of course, I say this with total respect for the honorable men and women who lost their lives on that fateful day.  But I truly believe that the protecting hand of God is about to be lifted off of this great nation.  We have taken His Word and statues for granted for far to many years and sold ourselves to sin and self-indulgence.  The fact of the matter is, if God doesn't judge America He will owe Sodom and Gomorrah a great apology.

Russian presidential candidate Ivan Rybkin has been found.  He claims that he was just taking a little time away from politics to speculate on the upcoming elections, but some believe that he was in hiding.  He hinted that he has been shadowed by secret service for two years. 

"I felt a threat to my personal security," he said.

When asked if he was the victim of violence or an assassination attempt, he answered, "I don't want to qualify it." (

It wouldn't surprise me if the KGB were back in full force.  I have to believe that the old Soviet Union can’t be far behind.

On a different note, if you haven't read the article on the MTV boycott, read it and sign up if you can.  I already have and it only took a few seconds.  America needs to send them a strong message and I hope this is it.  This network is pure evil and I'm convinced that they are more interested in totally corrupting the minds of our youth than making a buck which is hard to believe.

Today, an earthquake that measured 5.0 on the Richter scale struck Israel.  Thankfully, there was limited damage and a few minor injuries.  But sometime in the future, the Bible says, Israel will be rocked by a mega earthquake that will flatten the city of Jerusalem and kill seven thousand men (Revelation 11:13).  

Pastor Malone  


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