Blair Denies Big Three Want To Run Europe

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February 14, 2004

Secret EU Findings: European Donations To P.A. Were Used For Terrorism
A secret report prepared by the European Union's Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) concludes that tens of millions of dollars in humanitarian aid donated by the EU to the Palestinian Authority were actually used for terrorism against Israel.

Blair Denies Big Three Want To Run Europe
UK Prime Minister Tony Blair has denied that the three biggest countries in the EU are trying to dominate the running of the Union.

EU Downplays US Claim That European Anti-Semitism Now Rivals 1930s
The European Commission Friday played down a claim by the US ambassador to the EU that anti-Semitism in Europe is reaching levels not seen since the 1930s.

Rabbis OK Israeli Police Plan To Use Pig Lard To Ward Off Suicide Bombers
Muslim tradition holds that Muslims who come in contact with a pig before dying will be denied access to heaven. Orthodox Jews may arm with lard pistols.

German Ready For Compromise On EU Constitution: Fischer
Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer said Friday Germany was ready to compromise to end wrangling over a first-ever European Union constitution.

The E.U. is anti-Semitic, but that won't stop their future leader from taking them in.  The argument will be that this is the only way to restore calm to the Middle East.  When the time is right to turn on Israel there will be no opposition.  To make matters worse, there's evidence that European donations to the Palestinian Authority were used for terrorism against Israel. 

The E.U. big three are still denying that they are trying to run the E.U.  Of course they're trying to run the E.U.!  I consider it remarkable that the Bible says that when the antichrist comes to power he will have to put down three nations (Daniel 7:24).  Are these the three nations that he will destroy?  I don't know, but it seems very coincidental if it isn't.

Pastor Malone  


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