Blair The Antichrist Revisited 

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March 10, 2004

Most Wanted Terrorist Mohammed Deif Says Israel's End Is Near
Hamas military commander, most-wanted terrorist Mohammed Deif, issued an Al Qaida-like audiotape yesterday in which he declared that an Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip would be a huge victory. Hamas officials vowed to continue their attacks after an Israeli withdrawal "to liberate the rest of Palestine." Hamas claimed responsibility for last year's suicide bombing attack at the Mike's Place bar in Tel Aviv.

Blair Made Political Decisions Based On New Age Reading Of A Hidden Force Called 'The Light'
The revelation that Blair channelled 'the light' (Lucifer?) and based political decisions on it is unsurprising in light of the past history of world leaders' fascination with the occult.

Hamas has stated that the proposed Israeli pullout from the Gaza Strip is a huge victory for Palestine. Personally, I don't believe Israel is going anywhere.  Back on August 12th, 2001,  I wrote that Israel would march on the West Bank and Gaza Strip and would not pullout until a peace agreement was adopted.  I look for Israel to continue their occupation.

I received an email from a reader a few days ago regarding Tony Blair.  Along with the article, he also shared a little insight with his article why he felt that Tony Blair could be the future antichrist.  Although I found it interesting, and I do consider Tony Blair to be my leading candidate, truthfully, I could name anyone of ten E.U. political figures that could end up being the antichrist.  If Bill Clinton can come out of nowhere to become President of the United States anything can happen.  We also learned from 9/11 that the course of the world could change in a minute as well.

Here is a portion of the email that I received:

"Dear Pastor Malone, I have been studying Tony Blair closely for a number of years and I very much concur with your view that Satan may well be fitting him up with the role of Antichrist. I would like to draw your attention to a recent report filed by the Times of London and reposted to the Christian anti-NWO website, PrisonPlanet:

It comes as no surprise to me that Blair is extending his forays into New Age Satanism, as he is casting around to promote himself as a "Man of Religion" prior to becoming the first appointed President of Europe. He has already been flirting with different kinds of Christianity to see what fits, to see what might help him broaden his appeal.

Expect Tony Blair to resign suddenly as prime minister of the United Kingdom once the new EU constitution has been ratified. Chirac of France and Schroeder of Germany have already promised him the presidency should he steadfastly ensure smooth passage of the legislation.

Finally, I should like to make you aware of the photographs Reuters have been publishing of Tony Blair. Over the last year, many of these photos have caught his visage in unguarded moments, revealing the sudden hardening of his facial features into a grim, near-Satanic flintlock set and look.

One wonders if this is simply due to a trick of the light; and I would accept that if these photos were few and far between. But I suspect Reuters is trying to tell us something they dare not print. Perhaps you might like to take a look at them via the Google Picture and Photo cache.

Finally, let's not forget that it was Tony Blair and his shadowy intelligence "experts" who deceived George Bush over Iraq, goading America into military adventures that benefit only Tony Blair's own personal agenda. If you believe the latest stories in the British media, Blair even ordered the murder of the scientist Dr Kelly to prevent further criticism of his foreign policies and plans for world dominion. Surely, we live in interesting times.

May the Lord continue to bless your work and your outreach to Christians and non-Christians alike, warning all who have ears to listen and eyes to see." END

I for one will be watching to see what steps Prime Minister Blair takes next.

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  

Pastor Malone


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