Blair Calls For Greater European Role In Peace Process 

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March 11, 2004

Blair Calls For Greater European Role In Peace Process
British Prime Minister Tony Blair called for a greater political role for Europe in the peace process when he met Industry, Trade, and Labor Minister Ehud Olmert here on Wednesday.

A senior Israeli source described the meeting as "informal and friendly," and said Olmert came away impressed by the depth and detail of Blair's knowledge of the challenges and problems confronting Israel.

The source said Blair told Olmert he believed "the European Union should be much more involved in the political process."

Outrage At Deadly Bomb Attacks In Spain
European leaders have expressed shock and outrage at bomb attacks in Spain that have killed at least 170 people in the capital Madrid and left hundreds more injured.

At least four bombs exploded at three stations in Madrid this morning, the first at 7:40am, well into rush hour in the Spanish capital.

In a meeting Wednesday with Industry, Trade, and Labor Minister Ehud Olmert, British Prime Minister Tony Blair was calling for a greater role for the E.U. in the Middle East peace process.  "A senior Israeli source described the meeting as 'informal and friendly,' and said Olmert came away impressed by the depth and detail of Blair's knowledge of the challenges and problems confronting Israel."

I don't know about you, but it strikes me that the Israeli officials were impressed with the depth of knowledge Tony Blair possessed regarding the problems that Israel has been facing.  That doesn't make him the antichrist, but it does make him a strong candidate.  

I should also say that I get emails quite regularly from readers who give me their alternative views on various endtime events including who they believe will be the antichrist.  I appreciate your comments and many times it leads me to a broader knowledge of endtime events.

Pastor Malone


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