It's Official: U.S. Government Worried About Terrorist Nuclear Strike

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March 20, 2004

EYES IN THE SKIES: Israel Signs Up For EU Satellite Navigation Project...
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Israel agreed on Wednesday to take part in the new multibillion-dollar satellite navigation system being developed by the European Union (news - web sites), the European Commission (news - web sites) said.

Turkey Not Ready Ror EU, Say Parliamentarians
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - The European Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee today said that Turkey has not yet met the political criteria to join the European Union.

Parliamentarians voted overwhelmingly in favour of declaring Turkey unfit to start membership negotiations, citing a raft of areas where Ankara has not implemented the necessary reforms - from curbing the influence of the army to increasing Kurdish rights.

Europe In Terror Talks As Madrid Jitters Grow
18/03/2004 EU interior ministers are to gather Friday for emergency talks on how to respond to the devastating Madrid bomb blasts, which have revived terrorism jitters worldwide two and a half years after 9/11.

'Mr Terrorism' Post To Be Formed In EU...
French Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin on Thursday backed a European Union proposal to appoint an anti-terrorism expert who would coordinate EU security measures in the wake of the Madrid attacks.

"I think it's a good idea," de Villepin told Radio France Internationale when asked about the idea of appointing a "Mr Terrorism" for the bloc, who would report to EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana.

Spain Wants 'Maximum Power' In EU, Says New President...
"I'm going to defend maximum possible power for Spain in the European Union," Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero said in an interview with Spanish television. "My primary goal is that we have a European constitution as soon as possible."

Bush Urges Allies to Stand Firm
WASHINGTON (AP) - Faced with wavering allies and a divided America, President Bush on Friday urged all to stand firm against terrorism in Iraq and around the globe. A visit to the bedsides of wounded soldiers underscored the one-year toll of 570 American deaths in Iraq.

Terrorism Fears Prompt U.S. To Revive Study Of Nuclear Fallout...
To cope with the possibility that terrorists might someday detonate a nuclear bomb on American soil, the federal government is reviving a scientific art that was lost after the cold war: fallout analysis.

The goal, officials and weapons experts both inside and outside the government say, is to figure out quickly who exploded such a bomb and where the nuclear material came from. That would clarify the options for striking back. Officials also hope that if terrorists know a bomb can be traced, they will be less likely to try to use one.

It's official, the U.S. government is bringing back a scientific art from the days of the cold war called fallout analysis.  What is fallout analysis?   In a sense, it's like nuclear forensics.   American officials considerate it unlikely, but in the event of a nuclear bomb being set off on American soil, scientists would be able to identify materials used in the bomb which in turn would lead them to the perpetrators.  Specially designed robots would be sent into the contaminated area to gather data as soon as possible.  It is believed that through analyzing the nuclear fallout, U.S. officials would be more adept to making the correct response.  

"Most experts say the risk of a terrorist nuclear attack is low but no longer unthinkable, given the spread of material and know-how around the globe." (Terrorism Fears Prompt U.S. To Revive Study Of Nuclear Fallout...)  I really look for this to happen in our lifetime.

Israel has signed up to take part in the E.U. global satellite system.  It is similar to the one the U.S. already has in place, but of course, more advanced..  To me, this tells me that Israel is very close to becoming an important partner with the E.U.  Sharing a satellite system that will eventually be used for everything from communications to military intelligence is a major step.  Look for Israel to make major steps toward becoming E.U. ready, but the real gains probably won't come until after the man of sin is made manifest.

Speaking of the man of sin, the antichrist, I have heard much talk lately from those who say they know for sure who the antichrist will be.  Usually, it's in response to one of my articles regarding Tony Blair or some other political figure I suspect to be the antichrist.  But I have to repeat again that I'm only making an intelligent guess.  I don't know who the antichrist Christ is and neither do you.  I have had numerous people write me pointing me to websites that claim to know who the antichrist is.  They maybe right, but I have serious doubts!  Why do I say this?  Because anything can happen with time as we have seen over the last few years.  Yes, I do agree that the antichrist is a political leader who is in the E.U. at this very moment, but he may not turn out to be one of the high-ranking figures such as Roman Prodi, Tony Blair, Silvio Berlusconi or Javier Solana.  He may not even turn out to the first E.U. president! 

The E.U. will be adding a new position to its cabinet by the end of the month.  The official name of the position has not been disclosed but person who is placed in charge will be responsible for fighting terrorism.  Could he be the antichrist? 

Pastor Malone


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