Report: Risk Of 'Dirty Bomb' Growing...

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June 3, 2004

Report: Risk Of 'Dirty Bomb' Growing...
A terrorist attack using a dirty bomb is "a nightmare waiting to happen", says Frank Barnaby, a nuclear consultant who used to work at the UK's atomic weapons plant in Aldermaston in Berkshire. "I'm amazed that it hasn't happened already."

IAEA To Press For Inspections Of Israel's Nuclear Facility...
JERUSALEM – The International Atomic Energy Agency plans a campaign to force Israel to permit international inspections of its Dimona nuclear facility.

The agency has been under longterm pressure from the European Union, Arab states and Iran to focus more attention on Irael's nuclear program.

Several Arab countries reiterated their call for a nuclear free zone in the Middle East during a United Nations sponsored disarmament conference in Geneva on May 27. Arab envoys said the establishment of such a zone would be their priority over the coming year.

Russian TV Network Sacks Rebel Anchorman...
NTV, Russia's first independent television station, was taken over by the state-controlled gas monopoly Gazprom for debts in 2001, amid a political battle between the Kremlin and its first owner Vladimir Gusinsky, who finally emigrated.

President Vladimir Putin has denied involvement in what he described as a commercial dispute between Gazprom and Gusinsky.

But his critics have accused the Kremlin leader of stealthily clamping down on independent media in the four years he has been in power and muzzling public criticism to ensure his runaway re-election in March this year.

Newsroom Survey: Only 7% Of Reporters Are 'Conservative'...
If you'd like to check out an endangered species, don't bother with a trip to the zoo. Just drop by the newsroom of your favorite newspaper or TV station and ask to see the conservatives.

According to a new survey, only 12 percent of local reporters, editors, and media executives are self-described conservatives, while twice as many call themselves liberal. At national news organizations, the gap is even wider - 7 percent conservative vs. 34 percent liberal.

According to Frank Barnaby, a nuclear consultant from the UK, we are "a nightmare waiting to happen" when speaking about the inevitability of a dirty bomb attack.  The smuggling of dirty bomb materials has increased dramatically in the past fives years and it looks to get worse.

"A dirty bomb is designed to spread radioactive material over a large area by combining radioactive material with a conventional explosive. It does not involve a nuclear explosion and would be unlikely to result in many immediate deaths, but it could provoke widespread panic and render buildings in the affected area unusable."

I do agree with Mr. Barnaby!  This is a dangerous threat and increases ever year.  It's hard not to think that America could be a target of one of these bombs.

It looks like The International Atomic Energy Agency plans to push for inspections of Israel's nuclear sites.  Both Arab countries and the E.U. are behind this effort claiming it will make the Middle East a nuclear free area.  

Again, this is just another example of the blind leading those who are pretending to be blind.  If you think for one moment that any Arab nation intends on becoming nuclear free I got some swampland in Antarctica I'd like to sell you. 

They'll (Arab nations) keep playing hide and seek with the naive inspectors all the time continuing their research in underground nuclear facilities.  Iraq did it for years, Iran is doing it now (according to Abdul Qadeer Khan, the Pakistani scientist who sold them nuclear technology Article# 319) and Libya just got caught in a big lie over their nuclear program (Article# 330).

It wouldn't surprise me if in the end Israel were tricked into becoming nuclear free in exchange for the antichrist's lies.  This would be a dream come true for the Arab nation.  It would put Israel on an even playing field with the rest of the least that's their strategy.  That would open Israel up to an almost immediate attack even if the antichrist does promise protection.  If this does occur, look for the fulfillment of Ezekiel 38 &39 to come to past.

A Russian news anchor has blown the whistle on the Kremlin.  He claims that since President Vladimir Putin took over four years ago he has seized control of the media returning it back to the days of the old Soviet Union.

If you are a regular reader of this website, you know I have been saying this since President Putin took office (Article# 6) back on January 1, 2000.  Read the hyperlinked article for the full story.

Speaking of news anchors, only about seven percent of America's national reporters consider themselves conservative (Only twelve percent of local anchors).  Is it any wonder that we have to use every available means to get to the truth?  

The world has been lied to so many times that even the most ridiculous tabloid journalism sounds like the truth.  In less than fifty years we have allowed ourselves to sink to the depths of immorality and sin.  May the Lord have mercy on us in these last days!

Pastor Malone

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