Moslem Prof.: Quran States that Holy Land is Jewish

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June 7, 2004

Moslem Prof.: Quran States that Holy Land is Jewish
Prof. Khaleel Mohammed of San Diego State University is the latest Moslem expert to say that the Quran - the holiest Moslem work - is actually Zionist. He thus joins Sheikh Palazzi, secretary-general of the Italian Muslim Association.

EU Leaders Keep Quiet On Top Brussels Job
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - A meeting between Irish prime minister Bertie Ahern and his Belgian counterpart Guy Verhofstadt in Brussels on Thursday served only to fuel speculation about who will be the next Commission President.

Standing side-by-side for a press conference, the two leaders were a model of coy denial - they would neither comment on other names nor confirm that they would eventually take on the job themselves if asked.

Solana Emerges As Contender For Commission President
03.06.2004 - 09:41 CET A new name has joined those being considered by EU leaders as candidates to take over as President of the European Commission in autumn: Javier Solana, the EU's foreign policy chief.

Former President Ronald Reagan died this weekend.  Few have accomplished the scope and magnitude of his term during his presidency.  Many have credited him with saving the world from what could have been man's darkest hour.  Liberal historians may paint a much less flattering portrait, but the truth is, he put America back on track and brought us together.  He will be missed but not forgotten.

You need to read the article Moslem Prof.: Quran States that Holy Land is JewishBelieve it or not, a Moslem professor has come out and stated that the Quran plainly says that the Holy Land belongs to the Jews.  And he isn't the only one either.  Take a look at this excerpt:

""In an interview with Jamie Glazov of three days ago (June 3, 2004), Mohammed quoted the Qur'an (5:20-21) as saying:
"Moses said to his people: O my people! Remember the bounty of God upon you when He bestowed prophets upon you, and made you kings and gave you that which had not been given to anyone before you amongst the nations. O my people! Enter the Holy Land which God has written for you, and do not turn tail, otherwise you will be losers."

Prof. Mohammed emphasized that the above phrase "God has written for you" is very significant: "In both Jewish and Islamic understandings of the term 'written,' there is the meaning of finality, decisiveness and immutability... So the simple fact is then, from a faith-based point of view: If God has 'written' Israel for the people of Moses, who can change this?" He also quoted two of Islam's most famous exegetes - Ibn Kathir and Muhammad al-Shawkani - as supporting this explanation.""

He also went on to say that when the Moslems overtook the land of Israel in the 7th century, they were well aware that the land had been divinely mandated to the Jews (Abrahamic Covenant).  Instead of returning it to the rightful owners they took the land and built a Mosque on Israel's holy temple mount.  The Quran did not support this in anyway.

Of course, the Arab world will never accept the truth.  The Quran absolutely doesn't sanction homicide bombings but they still continue to churn them out as if on an assembly line. 

The E.U. is on the eve of a very big election day.  They won't be electing a permanent president this time around.  We'll have to wait for the E.U. to resolve their constitution problems.  Take a look at - EU constitution: What's at stake? - Apr 21, 2004.  

Here are the main points of the constitution:

Here are the sticking points:

Some of the main points that I would like to bring to your attention are that of the permanent president and the mutual defense clause. 

It is my belief that the permanent president will likely be the coming antichrist.  It's unknown how many presidents will come and go before the antichrist arrives on the scene, but it's probable that he will be the first.  Whoever makes a treaty with Israel will be the one. Actually, I’m not sure time will permit too many presidents to come to power.  I firmly believe that the last generation is swiftly coming to a close.

The mutual defense clause does exactly what it says.  This clause states that each country in the E.U. is responsible to come to the rescue of any other member country under attack.  It is my belief that Israel will one day join the E.U. and be protected under this clause when the Russian-Arab alliance attacks.  The antichrist will make an attempt to come to their aid but God will have destroyed them (Russian-Arab alliance) before he can intervene.  I'm sure he will get some of the credit although the Bible does say that the world will give God the glory (Ezekiel 38:23) and be known among the nations.

Membership may hinge upon them abandoning their nuclear program and allowing international inspectors to come in and regulate them.  It's conceivable that the Arab world will also agree to these terms, but I doubt they will be granted E.U. membership.  The Middle East will eventually become a nuclear free region, but you can bet most of the Arab world will still be developing weapons underground away from the watchful eyes of inspectors.  

The next big step in the march toward the tribulation period will be the ratifying of the E.U. constitution.  When that happens look for elections to take place for their first permanent president shortly thereafter.  The constitution could be ratified as soon as the fourth quarter of 2004.

Pastor Malone

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