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June 17, 2004
do you do when you feel like you can't be a good enough Christian and
everything you do wrong GOD is going to punish you.
not getting anything out of the preaching at our church, I don't want to go
anymore. I always loved going and working in church.
pray but I know GOD is getting tired of listening to me so I just give up.
I worry about tithing, I do that before anything because I'm afraid not
to even if I can't pay our bills. People always say he is a loving GOD,
but I just think if I don't live right he is going to do something to me
or my family and I shouldn't feel that way.
Malone what's so bad is Sunday I decided not to go to church and tithe
and it felt like a great weight had been lifted off my shoulders and
I'm sure it was the devil making me feel this way.
know I am saved, but right now I feel distant from the LORD. Maybe I am
just feeling sorry for myself I don't know.
pray for my six-year-old daughter that is asking questions about being saved,
that I am in the LORD'S will and can show her the way.
is satan speaking to you and putting pressure on you to not go to church and
tithe. Of course, a great pressure will be released from you. That's
satan getting off your back. Just because you feel better doesn't make it
God's will. It's good sound Biblical principles that a person tithe and go
to church and with a young child in your home watching your every move you need
to be extra sensitive regarding your spiritual life. If church and
following the Lord isn't important to you it won't be to your children either.
does have a plan for your life. I'm not saying that you're going to be
rich and famous (I'm certainly not), but you do have a purpose as part of the
body of Christ. Contrary to what
you hear from T.V. preachers it’s not your God given right to be rich, but God
will take care of you. You and I
will probably have to wait for our heavenly homecoming before we are rich.
you may have a negative idea of what the Lord is all about. He will punish
(or correct) you to keep you in line with what He has for your life, but He's
not standing over you to wait for you to make a wrong move. You don't do
that with your children and neither would He. You do punish your children,
but it's for their good. And He knows you better than you know yourself.
once in a while we need to examine ourselves.
Ask yourself this question? Do
you view spiritual battles such as trials, temptation, and failures as avenues
of growth or as obstacles?
you want to get your prayers answered here is the key.
It’s found in Hebrews 11:6:
But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
There are two conditions to come to God in prayer. One, you must come in faith. Without faith it is impossible to please God. Two, you must believe that He is a rewarder to those who diligently seek Him and not an overbearing taskmaster that is standing over you just waiting for you to slip up so He can torment you. You're coming before the throne with two strikes against you because you are living by sight and not faith.
If you’re going to get in line with God’s plan for your life you will have to change your perspective of who and what God is.
If I
were you I would stop listening to satan and ask the Lord to forgive you and
wait on Him to do His will. You also need to pay back your tithe.
You don't want to be a robber in the
Lord's eyes.
Pastor Malone